Looking for Contentment…Day 6: Reasons to Rejoice

Daily Bible study excerpts from my book: “Looking for Contentment in All the Wrong Places”

The scriptures are full of reasons to rejoice.  The ironic thing is that they do not all seem positive.  Rejoicing because we suffer?  Rejoicing when we are being “corrected” and “disciplined”?  Huh?  Those do not sound very pleasant!  Let’s look at what our creator had in mind when he allowed us to be tempted, to go through pain and also endure correction.  We will end on a positive note because those reasons far outshine any suffering we may go through and have to endure.


2 Corinthians 4:8-10

Underline the difficulties Paul faced.

  • :8 hard-pressed, perplexed
  • :9 persecuted, struck down

Hi-lite the “positive” affects they had on Paul. (A positive outlook)

  • :8 not crushed, not in despair
  • :9 not forsaken, not destroyed

Put brackets around the contrasting thoughts in verse 10

  • [dying of the Lord Jesus], [life of Jesus]


  • :10 “May be manifested in our body” – to manifest something is to display or show it.  Being a Christian, our baptism and faith are dependent on the “dying of the Lord Jesus”.  By living that life of faith, we manifest the life of Jesus, living in us. We should have this same mindset of not letting the circumstances of our lives crush of destroy us.

Trouble in Macedonia

2 Corinthians 7:5

Underline the turmoil Paul and companions were feeling.

  • “our bodies had no rest”, “troubled on every side”


  • “Outside were conflicts, inside were fears”

Have you ever been troubled by conflicts and fears?  The conflicts within our family, work or congregation can be real, which may make us fear the future.  We see the brethren in Macedonia got through it by giving themselves to the Lord.

2 Corinthians 8:1-5


  • :1 churches of Macedonia
  • :2 great trial of affliction, deep poverty

Hi-lite their response to this situation:

  • :2 abundance of their joy, abounded in the riches of liberality
  • :3 beyond their ability, freely willing
  • :4 gift, fellowship
  • :5 first gave themselves to the Lord – put a heart by this phrase

We can’t serve the Lord if we don’t give our selves to Him.  We must be willing to set our wants and desires aside and put Him first.  He wants what is best for us and will bring joy if we serve and trust Him.

Paul writes a beautiful prayer in Colossians 1:9-12.

He lists what he prays for the Colossian church.

Hi-lite the list.

  • :9 filled with the knowledge of His will
  • :10 walk worthy of the Lord, Pleasing Him, being fruitful, increasing in knowledge
  • :11 strengthened, patience, longsuffering with joy – write a cross-reference James 1;2-3
  • :12 giving thanks

These things take determination and a willingness to strive for them.  Being longsuffering is one thing, but with an attitude of joy, it takes on a whole new “flavor” if you will, there is no bitterness or resentment in it.

James 1:2-3

Circle and connect the two phrases

  • :2 count it all joy
  • :3 knowing


  • :2 various trials
  • :3 testing of your faith

Hi-lite and put a star next to

  • :3 produces patience

These verses don’t say that we are “happy” to have trials, but that we can rejoice for the strength we gain when we overcome them.  When we are “in the fire” so to speak, it is not pleasant.  But knowing that “trials by fire” can make us stronger and make our faith more secure is what can bring us joy.