In The Right Place

From Debbie Kea’s devotional book, “Moments with the Master”.

“The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us” 1 Peter 3:21

          During Spring Break, we had the joy of going with our grandchildren to the Ark Encounter in Kentucky.  For those who have never been or don’t know about it, it is a reproduction of Noah’s ark, comparable in size to what God commanded Noah to build.  Inside are exhibits that take you through the building of the massive structure, dioramas of the world in its wickedness before the flood, simulations of the flood event, reproductions of animals, sleeping quarters for Noah and his family, food storage, and of course gift shops…and much more.

          It was a magnificent thing to behold.  I stood with my grandkids in front of a massive door for a picture, and I reminded them of the door of the actual ark that God shut when Noah, his family and the animals were finally all inside. 

          The structure was filled with signs throughout quoting verses from the Bible.  But there was one verse that I did not see anywhere.  “When once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water. The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us…” (I Peter 3:20-21)  What a sad shame!  An exhibit that should reflect the saving of souls, yet they will not acknowledge how the ark teaches us today to be baptized to be saved!

          Noah and his family had to obey God to be saved by being in the right place when the deluge came. God has always designated a place of salvation.  The ark (Genesis 6-9), the cities of refuge (Numbers 35), households with blood on the doorposts (Exodus 12), the ship Paul was told by God to stay in for safety (Acts 27), the Lord’s church today (Ephesians 5:23-25).  Are you in the designated place, the right place?  Have you been baptized to wash away your sins?  (Acts 2:38; 22:16; Romans 6:4) 

          The world says many things about salvation.  Peter said baptism in water saves us just as it did Noah.  I will believe the inspired apostle Peter.