
Have You Lost Your Mind?

“Love the Lord…with all your mind”  Matthew 27:37 

On the door of my colleague’s office is a sign that says, Sit down and wait. I’ve lost my mind and gone to look for it.  I suppose most of us have felt like we’ve lost our minds at one time or another. The Bible recognizes many kinds of “minds,” even lost ones. 

Remember the Prodigal Son? (Luke 15). He lost his mind, didn’t he?  Spent all of his inheritance on riotous living and ended up in a pig pen before he came to himself.  The original words actually are “came to have a right mind.”  That’s right.  He wasn’t in his right mind while he was lost.  But thankfully he came to his right mind and returned to his compassionate father. 

Remember Mary and Martha? (Luke 10). They were sisters who had the Lord in their home many times, but one time Martha was so distracted with cooking a meal for Jesus that she got upset with her sister for not helping.  Mary was at the feet of Jesus, learning from the Master Teacher.  Jesus said she chose the better part.  Martha was dealing with what we call anxiety.  In the original language that word means “a divided mind.”  That is exactly what anxiety is caused by, isn’t it, a divided mind.  The next time you feel anxious, stop and decide what is dividing your mind, what is interfering with your focus.  Make a choice for the better part, pray and cast your care on the Lord, and watch your anxiety melt away. 

Remember the Bereans?  (Acts 17:11). They are known for searching the scriptures daily and receiving the word with “all readiness of mind.”  This mind resulted in their nobility, more than the Thessalonians.  A ready mind will search the word and receive it! 

Remember Jesus’ words? “Seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind.” (Luke 12:29). Doubtful mind.  Jesus teaches His disciples (and us) that we should not doubt but trust our Father who cares for the birds and the flowers, for we are greater than they.  Let go of that doubtful mind! 

When we are battling Satan for our minds, we must remember what God has promised us: “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Tim 1:7). Let go of your spirit of fear, and face the enemy with power, love and a sound mind!