Category: Simply Blessed: A study of Blessings in Romans & Hebrews
Day 6: The Blessing of Liberty! (2 of 2)
A Study of Romans 14 VERSES 9-12 Verse 9 Verse 10 We have many responsibilities to our fellow Christians, but being their judge is not one of them. That responsibility belongs to Christ alone. If God’s word has judged it to be wrong, then it is wrong!! If the “gospel according to Luann” has judged…
Day 5: The Blessing of Liberty! (1 of 2)
A Study of Romans 14 What is Liberty? (Webster’s) permission especially to go freely within specified limits. Everything was dictated for the Jews under the Old law. They were under bondage to that law. In contrast, we have liberty in Christ; we are given commands and principles to live by but are at liberty to…
Day 3: The Blessing of Confidence (3 of 4)
BOLDNESS Hebrews 4:16 In verses 14 and 15 the writer says that we have a compassionate High Priest who has been through what we have, can sympathize with our cares. Hebrews 10:19-22 We are not to be timid when approaching God, we have assurances from Him! Assurance means there is no doubt. Hebrews 7:25 As…
Day 4: The Blessing of Confidence (4 of 4)
CONFIDENCE 1 John 5:14-15 Hebrews 13:6 Ephesians 3:12 2 Timothy 1:12 Notice the absolute confidence Paul has in Christ. Habakkuk 3:17-19 Though all around me is failing-The Lord is my strength (My confidence is in Him!) 1 Samuel 17:46-47 Consider the confidence in David when he faced Goliath the giant. He KNEW God was with…
Day 1: The Blessing of Confidence (1 of 4)
ROMANS 8:28 Can have confidence even when things don’t look good at that moment? What is your perspective on problems and trials? Do you dwell on (worry about) the trial itself and let it affect other aspects of your life? Or – do you tell God about it, how you feel about it, ask…
Simply Blessed
Welcome to a Daily Bible Study of the blessings found in the books of Romans and Hebrews. This is a bible marking study. I suggest you use Dri-liter brand highlighters for highlighting and archival pens for writing and underlining (they don’t bleed through the page). Use a pretty notebook to write your notes. May you…
Day 2: The Blessing of Confidence (2 of 4)
CONQUERORS ROMANS 8:37 What are we going to conquer? Fear, self-doubt, worry, thoughts Our faith overcomes the world (it is greater than the world!). 1 John 5:4-5 1 Corinthians 15:57 1 John 4:4 2 Corinthians 2:14 Who leads us in triumph? How does He “diffuse the fragrance of His knowledge”? 2 Chronicles 20:12 King Jehosaphat…