Couch Potatoes

“Couch Potatoes “ are mentioned in the Bible. What? Where? No way you might say! Think about a potato stored in a pantry. If it’s not used within a reasonable time, it will sprout white warts, shrivel and stink. An able bodied Christian who habitually chooses to stay home on Sunday and watch worship services on tv can unknowingly become a “couch potato” Christian. The church in Laodicea didn’t have live streaming worship services to watch but some had lost their zeal and desire for service to God. Revelation 3:14-22 is a stern warning to those today who are sitting on the couch eating potato chips during worship. Be careful. Be useful. The church needs to see you in person if at all possible. (This is becoming a habit for some it seems. Out of sight, out of mind. ) -Judy’s view