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Day 10: The Blessing of Family

How important is family?

What happens when we don’t have a relationship with our family?

God gives each one of us a family, we are born with at least a mother and a father.  God does that – what we do with that is where the trouble comes in.  Any deviation from the God-given plan is because of man’s sin and stubbornness.


Gensis 2:24 (Paul quoted this in Ephesians 5:31) God created marriage.

  • Circle “therefore” and draw an arrow to verse 23.  Because they are man and woman.
  • Hi-lite “they shall become one flesh.”
  • Underline “a man shall” and “be joined to his wife.”

Because God created marriage, He defines it!  No man can change that fact.  It is between a man and a woman.  Calling any other ungodly relationship a marriage is wrong.

Hebrews 13:4 God’s intention for marriage.

  • Hi-lite “marriage is honorable among all.”
  • Underline “fornicators and adulterers.”
  • Circle “God will judge.”

The family should revolve around the marriage, not the marriage around the family (children).

The children should not be the center of the family.

Matthew 19:4-6 Jesus approved God’s plan for marriage.

  • Hi-lite “He who made them at the beginning made them male and female”, “the two shall become one flesh.”
  • Circle “for this reason” and “so then” and “therefore.”
  • Underline “what God has joined together, let not man separate.”

Ephesians 5:22-6:3

The Holy Spirit (through Paul) defines the roles in a family.

  • Husbands are to:
    • Lead (5:23)
    • Love (5:33)
  • Wives are to:
    • Submit (5:22)
    • Respect (5:33)
  • Children are to:
    • Obey (6:1)
    • Honor (6:2)

Colossians 3:18-20

  • Hi-lite “Wives, submit to your own husbands”, “Husbands, love your wives” and “Children, obey your parents in all things.”


What is your place in the family of God?  What is your role?

Everyone has a place and a role.  God has not left it up to us to define those roles.  He gives us guidance.

In our human, physical family we have a role.  Why would we not have a role in our spiritual family?

Romans 12:4-5 One Body Many Members

  • Hi-lite “as we have many members” and “we, being many, are one body in Christ.”
  • Circle “but.”  The contrast is many members but not the same function.
  • Underline “members do not have the same function” and “individually members of one another.”

Colossians 1:18 Christ is the head of the body (the church)

  • Hi-lite “He is the head of the body, the church,”
  • Underline “beginning”, “firstborn” and “preeminence.”

Just as the physical family has a head (the husband) so does the spiritual body (Christ).

Romans 1:12 – Mutual Faith

  • Hi-lite “encouraged together” and “mutual faith.”

Hebrews 13:17 – Elders are a blessing.

God intends for each congregation to have her own elders to guard and feed the flock.

  • Underline “Obey” and “be submissive”, “with joy”, “not with grief.”
  • Hi-lite “for they watch out for your souls.”
  • Circle “Let them do so.”

Each congregation can have her own deacons, ministers, teachers and members.

On Day 11, we will study what a healthy, well functioning family does.