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Day 11: The Blessing of Family (part 2 of 2)

What does a healthy, functioning family do?

Philippians 2:1-4

  • Circle “therefore” and draw an arrow to the last verse of chapter 1.
  • Circle every circumstance of “if” in verse 1.
  • Write “then” above “by being.”
  • Hi-lite “consolation”, “comfort”, “fellowship”, “affection” and “mercy.”
  • Hi-lite in another color “like-minded”, “same love”, “one accord”, “one mind.”
  • Circle “let” in verse 3 and 4.  This is a command word.
  • Circle “but” in verse 3 and 4.  Notice the contrast:
Vs. 3Selfish ambition or conceitorLowliness of mind, esteem others better than himself
Vs. 4Not only for his own interestsorInterests of others

A Healthy Family will…

  1. Love
  2. Get along “Be of one accord”
  3. All think the same thing in matters of faith, “Be of one mind” –
    • One Lord, One Faith -Ephesians 4:5
    • Like precious faith – 2 Peter 1:1
    • Common Salvation – Jude 1:3
    • One in Christ Jesus – Galatians 3:28
  4. Not be selfish
  5. Esteems others better than self
  6. Have concern for one another

TALENTS (Roles in the body, the church)

Romans 12:6-8 – Everyone is needed for the gifts (talents) they have been given.

  • Underline “Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us.”
  • Hi-lite “differing according to the grace that is given to us.”  None of us have the exact same gifts.
  • Circle “let us use them.”
  • Hi-lite in a different color “prophecy” (this is preaching (miraculously in the first century) “ministry”, “teaches”, “exhorts”, “gives”, “leads”, “shows mercy”

How are we to put into action these gifts (talents)?  Write

  • Prophecy – prophesy in proportion to our faith
  • Ministry – In our ministering
  • Teaches – in teaching
  • Exhorts – in exhortation
  • Giving – with liberality
  • Leads – with diligence
  • Show mercy – with cheerfulness.

In Jesus’ parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30) each servant is given talents (money) but the application is about each one having gifts from God.  Some are give more than others.  What are you doing with your gifts from God?  Using them and increasing them or hiding them? Are you trying to get out of your comfort zone?  How do you know what your talents are unless you try?

Ephesians 4:15-16 – When we each do our part, the body grows!

  • Underline “speaking the truth in love” and “edifying of itself in love.”
  • Hi-lite “may grow up in all things” and “every part does its share, causes growth of the body.”
  • Circle “Christ.”
  • Put brackets around “the whole body, joined and knit together.”

In 1 Samuel 30:21-25, some of David’s warriors were too weary to fight.  They had stayed back with the baggage and supplies.  When the ones that went and fought returned, they did not want to give the ones who stayed back any of the spoils.  David said that the people who stayed back had done just as much in the fight as did the warriors and said they should share alike.

The point is, we can’t all be warriors all of the time.  We all have differing talents, and sometimes those talents may change depending on what “season” of life we are in.  Sometimes we have seasons where we need to stay back with the baggage.  Mothers of young ones need to tend to the little ones and can’t always participate in evangelistic endeavors or other things the church might do.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 -there is a time and a season for everything.   

  • Hi-lite the negative things (seasons) with one color.
  • Hi-lite the positive things (seasons) with another color.

Things you can do right now to help the body grow and be healthy:

Assemble together

Hebrews 10:24-25 – We need each other!

    • Circle “let us” (a command).
    • Hi-lite “consider one another”, “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together” and “exhorting one another.”
    • Underline “in order to stir up love and good works.”

    Encourage one another.

    Hebrews 3:13

    • Hi-lite “exhort one another daily” and “lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.”
    • Circle “daily” and “today.”

    How to get along with each other in the family (physical and spiritual).

    Romans 12:3-21 – One of Paul’s longer lists! 

                :3 Don’t think more highly of ourselves than we ought to

                :5 We are one body in Christ

                :6-8 Each in his place

                :9 Love sincerely

                :9 Abhor evil

                :9 cling to the good

                :10 be kindly affectionate to one another

                :10 give preference to one another

                :11 be diligent

                :11 be fervent

                :11 serve the Lord

                :12 rejoice in hope

                :12 be patient in tribulation

                :12 be steadfast in prayer

                :13 be benevolent

                :13 be hospitable

                :14 bless (benefit) those who persecute you

                :15 rejoice with those who rejoice

                :15 weep with those who weep

                :16 be of the same mind

                :16 don’t be haughty

                :16 don’t be wise in your own opinion

                :17 don’t repay evil for evil

                :18 as much as is possible, live peaceably with all men

                :19 don’t be vengeful

                :20 overcome evil with good

    Whether we talk about our physical family or our spiritual family, the Bible is full of ways to get along with each other. Let us seek peace within our relationships.