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Day 13: The Blessing of GOD (Who is He)? (2a of 2)


RIGHTEOUS (to be right in a moral way).

Romans 1:16-17 – We find the righteousness of God in the Gospel.

  • Circle “the gospel of Christ.”
  • Hi-lite “power of God to salvation” and “in it the righteousness of God is revealed.”
  • Draw an arrow from “in it” to “gospel of Christ.”

Romans 3:21-25 He demonstrates His righteousness.

  • Hi-lite “righteousness of God” (in verses 21, 22), “demonstrate His righteousness” (vs 25) and “to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness” (vs 26).
  • Underline “revealed”, “through faith in Jesus Christ”, “whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith” (propitiation means a covering).

Psalm 119:142 His righteousness is everlasting.

  • Hi-lite “everlasting righteousness” and “law is truth.”

Psalm 145:17 His ways are righteous.

  • Circle “The Lord is.”
  • Hi-lite “righteous” and “Gracious.”

Psalm 11:7 The Lord loves righteousness.

  • Hi-lite “the Lord is righteous, He loves righteousness.”

Countenance means face.  He sees the upright (those who do right). 

FAITHFUL – He can be trusted to keep His promises.

Romans 3:3

  • Circle two question marks.  Consider the implication of each question.
  • Hi-lite “Will their unbelief make the faithfulness of God without effect?”

2 Timothy 2:13

  • Circle “If.”  Remember it is an important word.
  • Hi-lite “He remains faithful;”
  • Underline “He cannot deny Himself.”

2 Thessalonians 3:3

  • Hi-lite “the Lord is faithful.”
  • Circle the word “is.”
  • Underline “establish you” and “guard you.”

1 Thessalonians 5:24

  • Hi-lite “He who calls you.”
  • Circle “is faithful” and “will do it.”

Numbers 23:19

  • Circle the question marks.
  • Hi-lite “will He not do?” and “will He not make it good?”
  • Underline “God is not a man,”

Malachi 3:6

  • Hi-lite “I am the Lord, I do not change;”
  • Double Underline “I do not change;”

James 1:17

  • Hi-lite “Father of lights” and “no variation or shadow of turning.”
  • Underline “every good gift and every perfect gift is from above.”


Romans 16:26 Paul ends his letter to the Romans by referencing our “Everlasting God”

Isaiah 57:15

  • Hi-lite “High”, “Lofty One Who inhabits eternity” and “Holy.”
  • Underline “I dwell in the high and holy place,”
  • Circle “revive the spirit” and “revive the heart.”

1 Timothy 1:17

  • Hi-lite “King eternal”, “immortal”, “invisible”, “wise”
  • Underline “honor and glory forever.”

Jeremiah 10:10

  • Hi-lite “true God”, “living God”, “everlasting King.”

Psalm 90:2

  • Hi-lite “from everlasting to everlasting, You are God.”
  • Circle “before.”


Romans 1:20 We have already marked this scripture but notice it speaks of God’s power as being eternal.

Romans 1:16 We have also marked this verse, but it speaks of the Gospel as being the power of God to salvation.  The Greek word for power in both of these verses is dunamis from which we get the word dynamite. 

Ephesians 3:20

  • Hi-lite “the power that works in us.” – God’s power is working in us through His word.
  • Circle “exceedingly” and “abundantly.”
  • Underline “Him who is able” and “above all that we ask or think.”

Ephesians 1:17-21 – Paul’s prayer for the Ephesian church

  • Put a box around “may give to you.”
  • Here is one of Paul’s lists, listing things that he prayed for them to have. Hi-lite “spirit of wisdom”, “knowledge of Him”, “understanding being enlightened”, “know what is the hope of His calling”, “the glory of His inheritance.”
  • In another color hi-lite what God does and is for us.  “exceeding greatness of His power toward us”, “working of His mighty power”, “principality”, “power”, “might” and “dominion.”
  • Circle “far above.”

We will continue with more of Who God Is on Day 14.