When you first met your husband or good friend, did you love them?
Did you love them as deeply as you do now?
What happened?
In our human relationships, the relationship can be broken by either party. You may not have control over what happens.
Do you have a relationship with the God of Heaven?
In our relationship with God, we have total control, it is all up to us, only we can break the relationship. I challenge you to learn to LOVE GOD more and have a relationship with Him.
What can separate us from God?
Romans 8:38-39- nothing in this world can change that relationship (EXCEPT US).
We marked these verses in the previous lesson.
Our sins
Isaiah 59:1-2
Circle “but” (making a contrast between what God can do and what we do to separate ourselves from Him).
Hi-lite “your iniquities have separated you from your God”, “your sins have hidden His face from you.”
Circle “your” each time.
What is the big deal if we don’t have a relationship with God? We will be rejected on the day of judgement.
Luke 13:27
Hi-lite “I do not know you”, “Depart from Me.” (words of Jesus). No Relationship!
2 Timothy 2:19
Hi-lite “The Lord knows those who are His.”, “everyone who names the name of Christ.”
Underline “solid foundation of God stands.”
COMMMUNICATION – Listen and Talk
When we communicate, we learn how each other thinks, what our likes and dislikes are.
We communicate with God through prayer. We tell Him what is in our hearts. He communicates with us through His word.
THE BLESSING OF THE SCRIPTURES-God’s communication with us.
Where is God? He can be found in His Word. He reveals himself in scripture through the Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:9-10) – we marked this verse in the previous lesson).
His Word tells us who He is and His grand plan for us. In it we find his compassion, his love, his anger, his justice, his truth, Salvation.
When you listen to someone who is telling you about themselves, you begin to have an attachment to them.
When you study the Word, you come to know God as He tells you about Himself. You have to know Him before you can love Him!
Romans 1:1-2 – OT promises & stories.
Circle “gospel of God.”
Hi-lite “which He promised before through His prophets in the Holy Scriptures,”
Romans 10:8 Word is near us. Paul quotes from scripture in Deuteronomy.
Circle the question mark.
Hi-lite “the word is near you.”
Underline “in your mouth”, “in your heart” and “word of faith.”
Deuteronomy 30:11-14
Circle the question marks.
Hi-lite “this commandment”, “not too mysterious”, “nor is it far off”, “not in heaven”, “nor is it beyond the sea.”
Double underline “the word is very near you”, “that you may do it.”
Romans 11:33 His word is deep and rich.
Circle the words “depth” and “riches” and “unsearchable.”
Hi-lite “wisdom”, “knowledge of God”, “His judgments” and “His ways.”
Romans 15:4 His word is for our learning and gives us hope.
Hi-lite “written for our learning” and “might have hope.”
Underline “things were written before” and “patience and comfort of the Scriptures.”
Hebrews 4:12 His word is living and active.
Circle “the word of God.”
Hi-lite “living”, “powerful”, “sharper”, “discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”
Underline “sharper than any two-edged sword.”
On day 16 we will look at prayer and how we communicate with God.