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Day 2: The Blessing of Confidence (2 of 4)



  • Circle the word “yet” (it refers back to verse 37, “even though we are counted as sheep for the slaughter)
  • Underline “these things” (what things?  Refers back to :35 “tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?)
  • Hi-lite “more than conquerors”

What are we going to conquer?  Fear, self-doubt, worry, thoughts

Our faith overcomes the world (it is greater than the world!).

1 John 5:4-5

  • Hi-lite “overcomes the world”(2x) and “overcome the world”
  • Underline “this is the victory” and put an exclamation point over the word “victory”
  • Circle “born of God”, “our faith” and “he who believes”

1 Corinthians 15:57

  • Hi-lite “God” “gives us the victory”
  • Circle “through”
  • Underline “our Lord Jesus Christ”

1 John 4:4

  • Hi-lite “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world”.Underline “of God”, “overcome them” (overcome who? Vs. 3 those who do not confess Jesus has come”)
  • Circle “because”

2 Corinthians 2:14

Who leads us in triumph?

How does He “diffuse the fragrance of His knowledge”?

  • Hi-lite “God”, “leads us in triumph”
  • Underline “through us diffuses”, “knowledge”

2 Chronicles 20:12

King Jehosaphat is facing battle with his enemies.  His prayer to God ends with this verse. 

  • Underline “our God, will You not judge them?”
  • Put brackets around “[we have no power]” and “[nor do we know what to do]”
  • Circle “But”
  • Hi-lite “our eyes are upon You”.

Jehosaphat’s faith was real and evident.  Do you have that kind of faith when you have trouble in your life?  How do you handle it?  Are your eyes upon God?

Day 3 will continue this study of Confidence.