Exodus 20:10-11 -God recognizes the need for rest.
The Hebrew word for Sabbath here is shabbâth and it means intermission from a greek root word meaning to repose or desist from exertion. It is a word for 7 because the Sabbath was on the 7th day of the week, Saturday for us.
- Hi-lite “Sabbath of the Lord your God, in it you shall do not work;” and “the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.”
- Circle “for” – a reason.
- Circle “therefore” – refers to the first part of verse 11.
The Lord blessed a day of rest. He made us and knew that we need to rest. He set the example of rest.
As Christians, we don’t observe the Sabbath as a religious day, we worship God on the First day of the Week.
Psalm 55:5-7 – David longed for Rest.
Have you ever felt like David here? Wanting to fly away and wander off?
Notice the feelings David faces as he runs and hides from King Saul.
- Underline “fearfulness”, “trembling” and “horror.”
- Put in brackets “come upon me” and “overwhelmed me.”
Do you ever feel like this? We might say “it’s too much” or “I don’t think I can take it anymore.”
- Hi-llite “I would fly away and be at rest” and “I would wander far off.”
Now consider David’s conclusion.
Psalm 55:22-23
- Hi-lite “Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you” and “You, O God, shall bring them down” and “I will trust in You.”
The Lord fights for us if we trust in Him. Those oppressing us (whether it’s the sin of family members or contentions with our brethren or struggles at work) are like David’s enemies. He is trusting in God to take care of the situation they may cause.
Revelation 14:13 True and full rest will be enjoyed when we die.
- Hi-lite “blessed are the dead who die in the Lord” and “they may rest from their labors.”
- Underline “their works follow them.”-It matters what we do while here on earth!
Psalm 37:7-8 Rest is the same as trust.
- Hi-lite all of the things we are to do: “Rest in the Lord”, “wait patiently”, “do not fret”, “cease from anger”, “forsake wrath”, “do not fret.”
Did you notice that he says “do not fret” twice? Fret means to be constantly worried or anxious. When we fret we cannot rest. You may have had sleepless nights due to fretting. David says we should not fret about the wicked prospering or the wicked “winning.” We need to “rest” in the Lord, giving him those things that you fret about.
Psalm 4:4 Be still.
The KJV translates the word “angry” as Stand in Awe. The NASV translates it as tremble.
The Hebrew word here is râgaz and it means to quiver with any violent emotion, tremble. In my research it seems that “tremble” would be the best translation here, not “be angry.”
- Hi-lite “do not sin”, “meditate” and “be still.”
- Write above “be angry” the word tremble.
Paul quotes this passage in Ephesians 4:26 but the Greek word he uses for “angry” is orgizō which means to provoke or enrage. In context he applies the passage to the emotion of anger toward another.
Psalm 46:10 Be still.
- Hi-lite “Be still, and know that I am God.”
- Circle “I will be” twice.
- Underline “exalted among the nations” and “in the earth.”
What did Christ say to the storm and wind?
“Peace, BE STILL” – Mark 4:39
Christ’s Rest IS NOT…[1]
- His rest is a condition in which the powers of the soul are quickened, rendered alive to its capacities, duties, and privileges.
- His rest is a release from weariness rather than from labor.
- Not isolation or routine.
- Not a brief season of relaxation, but a lasting state of peace and strength.
Christ’s Rest IS…
- Conscience is at ease. The mind is satisfied. The heart is filled with love.
- Present satisfaction and assured confidence in the future.
- The burden may not be removed, but Christ gives us help to bear it.
- He gives us ground for our confidence.
[1] Christ’s rest, E. Johnson, M.A., Biblical Illustrator, ESword, Matthew 11:28.