Think about your feelings toward your children?
Do you love and care for them?
How do you think your Father in Heaven feels toward you?
The phrase “Your Father” appears 34 x in the NT
Jesus tells us about our Father
Matthew 6:6-9 – We are to pray to our Father (talk to Him).
- Underline every instance of “your Father” and “our Father.”
Verse 6:
- Circle “but” – contrasting how the hypocrites pray with how we are to pray.
- Hi-lite “when you pray”, “pray to your Father who is in the secret place”, “your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.”
Verse 7:
- Circle “and” – equal to what was said before.
- Hi-lite “when you pray”, “do not use vain repetitions.”
- Underline “do not” (it is a command).
Verse 8:
- Circle “therefore” and draw an arrow pointing to “do not use vain repetitions.”
- Circle “them” and draw an arrow pointing to “heathen” in verse 7.
- Hi-lite “do not be like them”, “your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him.”
- Underline “knows.”
- Circle “for” – don’t be like the heathen because your Father knows!
Verse 9:
- Circle “pray.”
- Underline “in this manner.”
- Hi-lite “Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.”
Like our earthly fathers, our Heavenly Father knows us and knows what we need.
Matthew 7:11 He will give good things.
- Circle “if.”
- Hi-lite “how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!”
Luke 12:30-32 It pleases Him to give us the Kingdom.
Verse 30:
- Circle “these things” twice. Draw an arrow from verse 30 to verse 29.
- Hi-lite “your Father knows that you need these things”
Verse 31:
- Circle “but”-even though your Father knows, we must seek Him!
- Put a box around “seek.”
- Hi-lite “seek the kingdom of God.”
- Underline “these things shall be added to you.” (what things? The “things” in verse 29).
Verse 32:
- Circle “Do not fear” – a command!
- Hi-lite “it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”
- Underline “give you the kingdom.”
John 20:17 – Jesus calls Him “My Father and Your Father”
- Hi-lite “I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God.”
- Underline “your Father” and “your God.”
Romans 8:16-17
- Hi-lite “The Spirit Himself bears witness” – makes us sure, how does He do that? Through the inspired word!
- Hi-lite “that we are children of God.”
- Underline “with our spirit” – what we know, who we are.
- Circle “if” twice.
- Underline the descriptions of US! “children”, “heirs-heirs of God”, “joint heirs with Christ.”
Our Inheritance
Revelation 21:7 What we inherit.
- Underline “He who overcomes.”
- Hi-lite “shall inherit all things”, “I will be his God”, “he shall be My son.”
Acts 26:18 God is talking to Paul, giving him instructions.
- Hi-lite “that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance”, “sanctified by faith in Me.”
- Circle “turn them.”
- Underline “from darkness to light”, “from the power of Satan to God.”
We are Heirs (sons and daughters)
Galatians 3:29 – according to the promise.
- Circle “if” and “then.” One of the great “if-then” statements in the Bible.
- Hi-lite “you are Christ’s” and “heirs according to the promise.”
Titus 3:7 -according to the hope
- Underline “justified by His grace”, “become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.”
1 Peter 1:3-5 God has begotten us.
- Hi-lite “has begotten us again to a living hope”, “to an inheritance incorruptible”, “kept by the power of God”
- How is this inheritance described? Underline “undefiled”, “does not fade away”, “reserved in heaven.”
- Circle “through the resurrection” and “through faith.”
- Put brackets around “His abundant mercy”.”
John 1:12-13 He gave us the right to become His children.
- Circle “but” – John wrote in verse 11 about some who did not receive Him. This is a contrast to that.
- Hi-lite “as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God” and “who were born” and “of God.”
- Underline “not of blood”, “nor of the will of the flesh” and “nor of the will of man.”
A Father Disciplines his children because he loves them.
As children of God, He loves us enough to discipline us.
What is an unloved child like?
What is an undisciplined child like?
Why do we discipline our children?
How do we discipline our children?
Does it always involve punishment?
Hebrews 12:5-7 God disciplines us because He loves us.
He does not treat us with neglect and unconcern. He disciplines us unto righteousness.
- Hi-lite “speaks to you as to sons”, “do not despise”, “nor be discouraged”
- Underline “the chastening of the Lord”, “when you are rebuked by Him
- Circle “for” (because).
- Hi-lite in another color “whom the Lord loves He chastens”, “endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons.”
- Circle “if” and the question mark.
The Hebrews writer is quoting from Proverbs 3:11-12.
Proverbs 3:11-12
- Hi-lite “do not despise the chastening of the Lord, nor detest His correction.”
- Underling “do not despise” and “nor detest.”
- Circle “for.”
- Hi-lite in another color “whom the Lord loves He corrects.”
- Underline “the Lord loves” and “in whom he delights.”
Revelation 3:19 – He loves us.
- Hi-lite “I love”, “I rebuke”, “chasten.”
- Circle “therefore.”
- Underline “be zealous”, “repent.”
Jeremiah 10:23-24 – We need correction!
- Hi-lite all of verse 23.
- Circle “I know” and “it is not in man.”
- Put brackets around “correct me, but with justice.” – If we are given the full anger of the Lord it would destroy us, we need justice and mercy.
Being the child of God has many blessings, but it also comes with responsibilities and discipline that a child receives. The correction of the Lord is not always necessarily punishment. Sometimes it may come in the form of guidance from the Holy Spirit through God’s word. Praise God and be glad that we are called His children!