Where is the power of the Holy Spirit? In God’s Word.
In this lesson we are going to explore the verses in Romans and Hebrews that mention the Holy Spirit (the verses we have not marked yet). I do not pretend to be an expert on the Holy Spirit. This is only a surface look at these scriptures. Much is written and debated about this subject that I have not studied enough to understand completely.
The Holy Spirit is a HE!
He is part of the Godhead: Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
He was working throughout the Old Testament and was given to the Apostles and believers after Christ’s death.
Jesus promised that when He left this earth, He would send a helper to guide the Apostles’ teaching, to give miraculous spiritual gifts, and to help the believers.
In John 14:26 Jesus told His Apostles that the Holy Spirit would teach them all things and bring to their remembrance the things He had taught them.
In John 7:39 Jesus promises that those who believe on Him would receive the Holy Spirit, not in a miraculous way as did the Apostles, but through the word that the Apostles and prophets in the New Testament would teach and write.
John 16:13 Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would guide the Apostles into ALL TRUTH and His words come from the Father.
The Apostles received the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4). Believers receive the gift of the Holy Spirit at baptism (Acts 2:38).
He does not work miraculously today, those things have ceased. His work is done through the scriptures.
Here are some of the scriptures in Romans that mention the Holy Spirit.
Romans 1:4 Spirit of holiness. Paul is greeting the saints at Rome and tells them that the Spirit (through the revealed word) declares that Jesus is the Son of God.
- Circle “with power”, “according to” and “by.”
- Hi-lite “declared to be the Son of God” and “according to the Spirit of holiness.”
- Underline “resurrection from the dead.” This is always mentioned as the assurance that Jesus is the Christ.
Romans 7:6 Newness of the Spirit.
- Hi-lite “we should serve in the newness of the Spirit”, “we have been delivered.”
- Circle “not.”
- Underline “oldness of the letter” (The law of Moses).
Romans 8:1 We walk according to the Spirit.
- Circle “therefore” and point to 7:25 where Paul says that He serves the law of God with his mind.
- Hi-lite “no condemnation who are in Christ Jesus”, “walk” and “according to the Spirit.”
- Underline “do not walk according to the flesh.”
Romans 8:2 The Spirit of life has a Law.
- Circle “for” -because there is no condemnation in Christ (vs 1).
- Hi-lite “the law of the Spirit of life”, “made me free.”
- Underline “law of sin and death” – which is contrasted to the law of the Spirit of LIFE!
Romans 8:4-5 We live according to the Spirit.
- Hi-lite “who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit”, “set their minds on” and “those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit.”
- Underline “righteous requirement of the law.”
- Circle “for” – because we don’t walk according to the Spirit.
- Circle “things of the Spirit” and draw a line to “set their minds on.”
In our daily lives, we must have in the front of our minds the things of the Spirit, what are the righteous things to do and not what are the fleshly things to do. If you are walking in the Spirit, studying God’s word, and praying to Him, you will have your mind set on His will.
Romans 8:9-11 The Holy Spirit dwells in us and is our life.
Verse 9:
- Two “if-then” statements.
- Circle “if” twice.
- Hi-lite “you are not in the flesh” and “the Spirit of God dwells in you” and “if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His.”
Verse 10:
- Circle “if.”
- Hi-lite “dead because of sin” and “life because of righteousness” and notice the contrast of death and life.
- Underline “Christ is in you” and “the Spirit is life.”
Verse 11:
- Circle “but if” is a contrast to verse 10.
- Hi-lite “Spirit of Him”, “dwells in you”, “give life”, “through His Spirit who dwells in you.”
- Underline “dwells in you” twice.
- Put in brackets “He who raised Christ from the dead” and note in the margin, “the Father.”
Romans 8:12-15 Why are we debtors and what does the Holy Spirit do for us?
- Circle “Therefore” – since his Spirit dwells in us (8:11)
- Hi-lite “we are debtors.”
- Circle each instance of the word “for” (because) in verses 13-15.
We are debtors because…
Verse 13 – the Spirit enables us to live
- Hi-lite “by the Spirit” and “you will live.”
Verse 14- being led by the Spirit of God we are sons of God
- Hi-lite “led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.”
Verse 15 – we receive the Spirit of adoption, can cry out to “our Father”
Abba is Aramaic meaning a comfortable relationship, acknowledgment of kinship
- Hi-lite “received the Spirit of adoption.”
What does the Spirit do for us?:
Verse 13 – the Spirit helps us put to death the deeds of the body
- Underline “you put to death the deeds of the body.”
Verse 14 the Spirit leads us
- Underline “led by the Spirit.”
Verse 15 the Spirit works to adopt us
- Underline “you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.”
IF-THEN Statement:
Verse 13: Paradox: IF we LIVE according to the flesh, THEN we die
IF we DIE to the deeds of the body, THEN we LIVE
- Circle “if” twice.
Romans 8:23 The first fruits of the Spirit.
We have not realized yet the whole of the Spirit, which we will see in eternity. We only have His “first fruits” here, not the full harvest.
- Hi-lite “we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit.”
- Underline “eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption.”
Romans 8:26-27 Helps in our weaknesses, makes intercession for us
We have previously marked verse 26.
Verse 27
- Hi-lite “makes intercession” and “according to the will of God.”
- Underline “He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is.”
Romans 9:1 Paul speaks of the Holy Spirit as helping with his conscience.
- Hi-lite “in Christ” and “in the Holy Spirit.”
- Circle “truth” and “conscience” – truth trains the conscience.
Romans 14:17 The Holy Spirit produces fruit in our souls.
- Hi-lite “kingdom of God”, “righteousness”, “peace”, “joy”
- Circle “in the Holy Spirit.”
Romans 15:13 The Holy Spirit has power.
- Underline “God of Hope”, “peace in believing” and “you may abound in hope.”
- Circle “by.”
- Hi-lite “fill you with all joy and peace in believing”, “power of the Holy Spirit.”
Romans 15:16 The Holy Spirit sanctifies (sets us apart).
- Hi-lite “minister of Jesus Christ”, “ministering the gospel of God” and “sanctified by the Holy Spirit.”
- Underline “Gentiles might be acceptable.”
Romans 15:19 Miracles and signs were done by the power of the Holy Spirit.
- Hi-lite “mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God.”
- Underline “Spirit of God.”
Romans 15:30 The Holy Spirit loves.
- Hi-lite “through the Lord Jesus Christ”, “through the love of the Spirit.”
- Underline “strive together” and “in prayers” – praying together is powerful!
The next lesson will be the last in this study series. We will cover scriptures in Hebrews and other places that speak about the Holy Spirit.