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Day 4: The Blessing of Confidence (4 of 4)


1 John 5:14-15

  • Circle the two instances of the word “if”
  • Hi-lite “we ask anything”, “He hears us”
  • Hi-lite in another color “we know that He hears us”, “we know that we have the petitions”Underline twice “according to His will”. Put a box around “this is the confidence”

Hebrews 13:6

  • Circle “So we may boldly say”
  • Hi-lite “the Lord is my helper” and “I will not fear”
  • Underline “what can man do to me?”

Ephesians 3:12

  • Circle “in whom” and draw an arrow to “Christ Jesus our Lord” in verse 11.
  • Hi-lite “boldness”, “access with confidence”
  • Underline “through faith in Him.”

2 Timothy 1:12

Notice the absolute confidence Paul has in Christ.

  • Circle “for this reason” and draw an arrow to verse 11
  • Circle “nevertheless” (shows a contrast)
  • Underline “I also suffer” and “I am not ashamed”
  • Hi-lite “I know”, “am persuaded”, “I have committed”
  • Put a box around “He is able”

Habakkuk 3:17-19

Though all around me is failing-The Lord is my strength (My confidence is in Him!)

  • Circle “though” 3 times
  • Put a box around “yet”
  • Underline “fig tree may not blossom”, “nor fruit be on the vines”, “the olive may fail”, “fields yield no food”, “flock may be cut off”, “no herd in the stalls”
  • Hi-lite “I will rejoice”, “I will joy”, “The Lord God is my strength”

1 Samuel 17:46-47

Consider the confidence in David when he faced Goliath the giant. He KNEW God was with Him.  Do you have that kind of confidence when facing your battles?

  • Hi-lite “This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand”, “that all the earth may know”, “all this assembly shall know”, “the battle is the Lord’s”
  • Circle “there is a God in Israel”
  • Underline “the Lord does not save with sword and spear”

1 John 3:21-22

If we have a good conscience and we keep His commandments we can have confidence in Him.

  • Circle “if”, “we have” and “because”
  • Hi-lite “we have confidence toward God”, “keep His commandments”, “do those things that are pleasing in His sight”
  • Put an arrow connecting “our heart does not condemn us” and “we have confidence toward God”
  • Underline “whatever we ask we receive from Him”

On having a good conscience (from Biblical Illustrator-Charles Spurgeon “1 John 3:21)

This is how we know we have a good conscience:

  • We are sincere in our profession of love to God.
  • We are filled with love to the brethren.
  • We are resting upon Christ, and on Him alone.
  • We are longing after holiness.

The result of having a good conscience:

  • Confidence towards God that we are really His.
  • Confidence as to our reconciliation with God by Jesus Christ.
  • Confidence that He will not harm us, but will bless us.
  • Confidence in prayer that He will accept and answer.
  • Confidence as to future judgment that we shall receive the gracious reward at the last great day.

Hebrews 10:35

Don’t cast away your confidence!

  • Circle “therefore”, draw an arrow pointing to verse 34 and underline this “you have a better and enduring possession for yourselves in heaven”.
  • Double underline “do not cast away your confidence”
  • Hi-lite “great reward”

The blessing of Confidence will help you navigate this world, knowing God has your back and you can trust and confide in Him.