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Day 5: The Blessing of Liberty! (1 of 2)

A Study of Romans 14

What is Liberty?   (Webster’s) permission especially to go freely within specified limits.

Everything was dictated for the Jews under the Old law.  They were under bondage to that law.

In contrast, we have liberty in Christ; we are given commands and principles to live by but are at liberty to carry out those commands and use our own judgment in the principles.

Paul cautions the Roman Christians to be careful with this liberty.

The blessing of liberty is that we are free to choose in matters of opinion.  But, if I have liberty and you have liberty, we need to be loving in our choices and in our opinions of other’s choices.  We should not be focused on our liberty or our rights, but on love for our brother.

LIBERTY  – Synonym Freedom

James 1:25

The “perfect law of liberty” is not a law of bondage, but of freedom.

  • Circle “but” twice (this word always shows a contrast).
    • On the first “but” draw an arrow to verses 23-24.  The contrast is one who hears and does and one who hears and does not.
    • The second “but” contrasts the forgetful hearer and the doer.
    • Underline “perfect law of liberty”.
    • Hi-lite “a doer of the work” and “will be blessed”.

2 Corinthians 3:17

  • Hi-lite “where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty”.

1 Corinthians 10:23-24

With blessings come responsibilities.  Even though we have the blessing of liberty, we have a responsibility to love one another and not let our freedom sever unity.

  • Hi-lite “not all things are helpful” and “not all things edify”.
  • Circle the word “let” (this is a word of command).
  • Underline “seek” and “the other’s well-being”.

Fact and Opinion

Facts about worship: 

  • We are commanded to sing, pray, give, preach and communion around the Lord’s table.

Opinions about worship:

  • How many songs we sing, what kind of songs, long prayers, short prayers, how much we give, times when we take up the offering, start and end times, do we take the Lord’s supper first or last.

Facts about food:

  • All things were made for us to eat

Opinions about food:

  • Healthy vs non-healthy, vegan or not, when to eat, gluten free or not

Facts about appearance:

  • Must be Modest
  • Opinions about appearance:  Dress or pants, tattoos or not, long hair or short hair, high heels or flats

Romans 14


            Write in the margin next to:

                        Vs. 1 – “receive brother”

                        Vs. 2 – “recognize brother”

                        Vs. 3 – “respect brother”

In verse 1, The NASV translates “not to disputes over doubtful things” as “not for the purpose of passing judgment on his opinions.”  This helps in understanding what Paul was saying.

“Doubtful things” – greek “dialogismos” – opinions, the thinking of a man

“One who is weak in THE faith” is talking about doctrinal matters, not weak in their own faith.

            “Despise” in verse three means “to look down on” or to “push him out.”

  • Hi-lite “receive one who is weak”(vs 1) and “for God has received him.” (vs 3)
    • God receives us no matter our opinion in this matter.
    • Circle “let not” twice.  These are command words. (vs 3)
    • Underline “him who eats despise him who does not eat” and “him who does not eat judge him who eats”. (vs 3)


This section begins with a question.  “Who are you to judge another’s servant?”  Anytime you see a question in scripture, circle the question mark and pay attention to the question.

We are not accountable to one another when it comes to matters of opinion, only matters of doctrine and moral living.

Galatians 6:1

  • Circle the word “if.”  An important word in scripture.
    • Underline “a man is overtaken in any trespass” and “restore such a one”
    • Hi-lite “you who are spiritual” and “spirit of gentleness”

Colossians 2:16

  • Hi-lite “let no one judge you”
    • Underline “food”, “drink”, “festival”, “new moon”, “sabbaths” (these are all Jewish customs and laws which are no longer in effect)

James 4:11-12

  • Circle “do not” (command words)
    • Circle the question mark!
    • Circle “if”
    • Hi-lite “do not speak evil of one another” and “who are you to judge another?”
    • Underline “speaks evil of a brother”, “judges his brother”.
    • Put brackets around “if you judge the law, you are not a doer”.
    • Put a box around “there is one lawgiver”.

Verse 4

  • Hi-lite the question “who are you to judge another’s servant?”
    • Hi-lite in another color “God is able to make him stand.” (it is between him and God)

Remember, he really feels that God would be displeased if he did those things; it is an honest conviction.  It affects his conscience.

Verse 5-6

  • Hi-lite “let each be fully convinced in his own mind.”  This is doing it with a pure conscience.

Paul is listing the contrast of opinions about Jewish customs and feast days.

  • Mark the list by putting a number by each opinion.
    • 1-“esteems one day above another”
    • 2-“Observes the day”
    • 3-“eats”

Regarding observing days, Rome also had its own festival days.  Some Roman Gentiles detested the Sabbath because they thought that the Jews were lazy for taking a day off from work every week.

In verse 6 the words “to the Lord” indicates that they have a desire to serve the Lord in this way.

  • Hi-lite every instance of “to the Lord”.

Things to think about when considering if I can “do it to the Lord”?

  1. Is this something I can do to honor God?
  2. Does this honor Him?
  3. Does it dishonor Him?
  4. Can I do this with a clear conscience?
  5. Does it contain even the slightest hint of wrong or evil?
  6. Can I really say that this glorifies the Lord?” 

Verse 7

  • Hi-lite “For none of us lives to himself, and no one dies to himself.”

In the physical realm we are all affected by others, and we all affect others: We have influence, whether it is good or bad is up to us.

Verse 8

  • Circle “if” twice.
  • Circle “therefore”
  • Hi-lite “whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s”

In the spiritual realm, only God is our judge and what we do affects our eternal resting place.

This lesson will continue on Day 6