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Day 6: The Blessing of Liberty! (2 of 2)

A Study of Romans 14


Verse 9

  • Circle “for to this end” which means because.
  • Hi-lite “that He might be Lord”

Verse 10

  • Circle “but”.  This is contrasting Jesus being Lord (vs 9) with us judging our brother.  In other words, we are not the judge, He is!
    • Circle the question marks.
    • Underline “why do you judge your brother?” and “why do you show contempt for your brother?
    • Circle “for” (means because).
    • Hi-lite “we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.”

We have many responsibilities to our fellow Christians, but being their judge is not one of them. That responsibility belongs to Christ alone.

If God’s word has judged it to be wrong, then it is wrong!!  If the “gospel according to Luann” has judged it be wrong then it is her judgement, not God’s.

When you disagree with a brother, do not begin the discussion with an argument or critical judgment; begin by asking questions. There might be a reasonable explanation for the belief or the behavior of this person (1 Cor 13:5 says “love thinks no evil”).


  • Hi-lite “every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God”.

Verse 12

  • Circle “so then” meaning because every knee shall bow.
  • Double underline “each of us shall give account of himself to God”.

VERSES 13-15

Verse 13

  • Circle “Therefore” and draw an arrow to verse 12.
    • Underline “let us not”.  These words are a command.
  • Hi-lite “let us not judge one another” and “not to put a stumbling block”

Gossiping about one another and judging each other’s choices is harmful and the Lord said it is wrong to do such.  We are to be family, having each other’s backs and defending one another.

Verse 14

Paul is still talking about foods and observing days.

1 Timothy 4:4-5

  • Hi-lite “every creature of God is good” and “received with thanksgiving”.
  • Underline “sanctified by the word of God and prayer.”

A parallel passage is 1 Corinthians 8:8-13 where Paul says that “food does not commend us to God.”

Verse 15

  • Circle “if”.
  • Circle “do not” (a command).
  • Hi-lite “brother is grieved” and “do not destroy”.
  • Underline “walking in love”.

Grieved means that it is distressful for your brother.  Destroy means it causes him to sin.  When one person decides to live a vegan life, just because another eats meat does not cause him to sin.  The loving thing to do is to respect his choices and not ridicule or belittle them.

VERSES 16-19

Verse 16

  • Circle “therefore” and draw an arrow to verse 15 “do not destroy”.
  • Circle “do not” (a command).
  • Hi-lite “do not let your good be spoken of as evil”.

Verse 17

  • Circle “for” (meaning because)
    • Underline “the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking.” (things that don’t matter spiritually)
    • Circle “but” (contrast word)
    • Number the list of what the kingdom is: 1. Righteousness 2. Peace 3. Joy in the Holy Spirit
    • Hi-lite the words in the list, “righteousness”, “peace”, “joy”

Verse 18

Circle “for”

Underline “serves Christ in these things” (What things? Draw an arrow to the hi-lited words in verse 17)

Hi-lite “acceptable to God” and “approved by men”.

Verse 19

  • Circle “therefore” and draw an arrow to verse 18.
  • Put a box around “let us” (this is a positive command).
  • Double underline “pursue”.
  • Hi-lite “things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another.”

VERSES 20-23

Verse 20

  • Put a box around “do not” – it is a command.
    • Hi-lite “destroy the work of God for the sake of food.”
    • Underline “evil for the man who eats with offense.  If it causes a problem, don’t use your liberty to undo fellowship.

            Ephesians 2:10 -What is the work of God?

  • Hi-lite “we are His workmanship”
    • Circle “created” and “for good works”

Verse 21

Am I causing him to sin?  Or does he just not like what I am doing or does it “hurt his feelings”?  There is a big difference!

The Greek words:

Stumbles – proskopto – “strike at” – trip up

Offended – skandalidzo – to entrap, to cause displeasure at a thing (annoyed that they are tripped up)

Weak – astheneho – to be feeble, without strength

  • Hi-lite “stumbles”, “offended” or “made weak.”  It is a progression, first we cause them to stumble, then they are displeased at the stumbling and then become weak.

“Any action that leads a fellow Christian to compromise his own conscience and thus commit sin” – NKJV Open Bible study notes

Verse 22-23

Circle the question mark.

Underline “Have it to yourself before God.”  This faith is between you and God, only He knows what kind of faith you have and how strong it is.  Your actions show others your faith (“I will show you my faith by my works” James 2:18), but your actions may be out of pride instead of sincerity, only God knows!  Your choices in liberty are between you and God as well, He knows what motivates you.

Circle “but” (there is a contrast here).

Hi-lite “Happy” and “he who doubts” (these are contrasted).

Underline “does not condemn himself in what he approves” and “condemned if he eats” (this is eating with doubts about whether it is causing my brother to sin).

Put a box around “whatever is not from faith is sin.”

If you can be confident in your liberty, knowing that it does not violate God’s word or your conscience, and it does not cause your brother to sin, then you can be happy with the choice that you make.  Christian liberty is a contrast to Moses’ law.  We should praise God and His goodness for this liberty!