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Day 7: The Blessing of Peace (1 of 2)

Everyone desires peace.

  • World peace (what every beauty contestant says is her greatest wish)
  • Inner peace
  • Peace in the home
  • Peace in our congregation
  • Peace in our workplace

Where does the World look for peace?

  • drugs, unconsciousness is not peace, the turmoil is still there
  • pleasure, happiness, short lived, too many vacations (not the same as joy)
  • in the future, or in the past (if I get the job, if only I had…, if I lose weight
  • in self-help books; man’s wisdom

The King James Dictionary defines peace as “a state of quiet or tranquility, freedom from disturbance or agitation”

Synonyms of peace?  unity, order, calm, tranquility

Antonyms of peace?  disagreement, discord, agitation, distress, upset, confusion

Psalm 29:11 David wrote that the Lord would give us peace.

  • Underline “The Lord will give” and “the Lord will bless.”
  • Hi-lite “strength to His people” and “bless His people with peace.”

Is God going to take away all of the noise, all of the distractions, all of the turmoil in our lives?

If we are expecting a quiet, tranquil environment for peace, we will always be disappointed.  The peace God gives is inward.  It is having a quiet and calm outlook in the midst of the distractions of life.

Romans 1:7 Paul begins the letter to the Romans with “Peace” from God our Father & Jesus.

  • Hi-lite “peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Romans 15:33 – Paul ends the letter with the same sentiment.

  • Hi-lite “the God of peace be with you all.” 

Peace that comes from God

Romans 10:15 – The gospel is peace

  • Circle the question mark.
  • Underline “preach” twice.
  • Hi-lite “Gospel of Peace” and “Glad tidings of good things!” (This is a quote from Isaiah 52:7 and Nahum 1:15)

Romans 14:17 – The Kingdom is peace

  • Hi-lite “kingdom of God”, “righteousness”, “peace”, and “joy”.

Hebrews 13:20 – God of peace can make you complete

  • Hi-lite “may the God of peace” and “make you complete in every good work”
  • Circle “Lord Jesus” and “great Shepherd”
  • Underline “working in you what is well pleasing in His sight”

John 14:27 – Jesus gives us peace

  • Hi-lite “peace I leave with you” and “My peace I give to you”
    • Underline “not as the world gives”
    • Put a box around “Let not your heart be troubled”

John 16:33 – Even though there is trouble in the world there is peace in Jesus

  • Hi-lite “in Me you may have peace” and “I have overcome the world”
    • Underline “In the world you will have tribulation.” In the world people are struggling, restless, uncertain but in Jesus we can have peace.

Colossians 3:15 – let the peace of God rule.

  • Circle “let” (this could be considered a command word).
    • Hi-lite “let the peace of God rule in your hearts”.
    • Underline “called in one body” and “be thankful”.

What does it mean to let the peace of God rule in your hearts?

Answer:  Philippians 4:7

  • Hi-lite: “peace of God” and “will guard your hearts and minds.”
    • Circle “will”

Isaiah 26:3 – God will keep us in perfect peace

  • Hi-lite “You will keep him in perfect peace.”
    • Circle “because.”
    • Underline “mind is stayed on you” and “he trusts in You.”

This study of peace will continue on Day 8.