
Eternal Things

A Bible Study on the words Eternal and Everlasting.

During our worship service Sunday, we sang “Hold to God’s Unchanging Hand”. This lyric in that hymn caught my attention…”Build your hopes on things eternal”.

I began thinking, what are things eternal? Are my hopes on them or on temporal things?

“Build Your Hopes on Things Eternal” 

In the NKJV Find the scripture.  On your notes write each heading (I.e. “Who is Eternal”).  List who/what is eternal or everlasting under that heading. 


Deuteronomy 33:27 

  • Hi-lite “eternal God” 
  • Underline or hi-lite “refuge”, “everlasting arms”, “thrust out the enemy from before you” 

Romans 16:26 

  • Hi-lite “everlasting God” 
  • Underline or hi-lite “made manifest”, “prophetic scriptures”, “according to the commandment” 
  • Circle “for obedience” 

Isaiah 9:6 

  • Hi-lite “everlasting Father” 
  • Underline “Wonderful”, “Counselor”, “Mighty God”, “Everlasting Father”, “Prince of Peace” 
  • Write “Jesus” in the margin 
  • 1 Timothy 1:17 
  • Hi-lite “king eternal” 
  • Underline “eternal”, “immortal”, “invisible” 
  • Circle “God who alone is wise 

Hebrews 9:14 

  • Hi-lite “eternal Spirit” 
  • Underline “the blood of Christ”, “cleanse your conscience” 
  • Circle “serve the living God” 


Ecclesiastes 12:5  

  • Hi-lite “eternal home” 
  • Underline “man goes” 
  • This is part of a beautiful poem about aging (Eccl 12:1-7) 

2 Corinthians 5:1 

  • Hi-Lite “building”, “house”, “eternal” 
  • Circle “from God”, “not made with hands”, “in the heavens” 

2 Peter 1:11 

  • Hi-lite “everlasting kingdom” 
  • Underline “an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly” 


Romans 1:20 

  • Hi-lite “eternal power and Godhead” 
  • Underline “His invisible attributes are” 
  • Circle “clearly seen”, “understood” 
  • Put a box around “they are without excuse” 

Hebrews 13:20 

  • Hi-lite “everlasting covenant” 
  • Underline “God of peace”, “Lord Jesus”, Great Shepherd” 
  • Circle “through the blood” 

2 Corinthians 4:18  

  • Hi-lite “eternal” 
  • Underline “things which are seen are temporary”, “things which are not seen are eternal” 
  • Circle “but” twice- shows a contrast 

Ephesians 3:11 

  • Hi-lite “eternal purpose” 
  • Underline “accomplished in Christ Jesus” 

2 Thessalonians 2:16 

  • Hi-lite “everlasting consolation” 
  • Underline “loved us”, “given us” 
  • Circle “good hope” 

1 Peter 5:10 

  • Hi-lite “eternal glory” 
  • Underline “perfect, establish, strengthen and settle” 

Hebrews 5:9 

  • Hi-lite “eternal salvation” 
  • Underline “He became the author”, “to all who obey” 

Hebrews 9:15 

  • Hi-lite “eternal inheritance” 
  • Circle “He is the Mediator” 
  • Underline “those who are called may receive the promise” 

Revelation 14:6 

  • Hi-lite “everlasting gospel” 
  • Underline “preach”, “to every nation, tribe, tongue and people” 


Matthew 18:8 

  • Hi-lite “everlasting fire” 
  • Underline “causes you to sin”, “cut it off and cast if from you” 

Matthew 25:41 – 

  • Hi-lite “everlasting fire” 
  • Double underline “Depart from me” 
  • Circle “prepared for the devil and his angels” 

Jude 1:7 – 

  • Hi-lite “eternal fire” 
  • Underline “sexual immorality”, “strange flesh” “suffering the vengenance” 
  • Look up the greek word for “strange flesh” 

Matthew 25:46 

  • Hi-lite “eternal punishment” 
  • In the context, who will go away into eternal punishment? 
  • Draw a connecting line from “righteous” to “eternal life” 
  • The context is Matthew 25:31-46 and is regarding the judgment  

2 Thessalonians 1:9 

  • Hi-lite “everlasting destruction” 
  • Underline “from the presence of the Lord”, “from the glory of His power” 
  • Who are the “These” in this context.  Draw a line from “these” to “do not know God” and “do not obey the gospel” (vs 8) 


Matthew 19:29 

  • Hi-lite “eternal life” 
  • Underline “everyone who has left”, “for My name’s sake” 
  • Write abundance under “receive a hundredfold” 

John 3:15-16 

  • Hi-lite “eternal life”, “everlasting life” 
  • Underline “whoever believes” (twice) 
  • Circle “should not perish” (twice) 
  • Hi-lite in a different color “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son” 

John 5:24 

  • Hi-lite “everlasting life” 
  • Underline “hears My word and believes”, “shall not come into judgment” 
  • Circle “passed from death into life” 

John 6:40  

  • Hi-lite “everlasting life” 
  • Underline “sees”, “believes”, “may have” 
  • Circle “this is the will of Him” 

John 6:68 

  • Hi-lite “eternal life” 
  • Underline “Lord, to whom shall we go?” (always notice questions in the scripture) 
  • Circle “You have the words of eternal life” 

John 10:28 

  • Hi-lite “eternal life” 
  • Underline “I give them”, “never perish” 
  • Circle “neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand” (Jesus talking about His sheep) 

John 17:2-3 (Jesus praying to the Father) 

  • Hi-lite “eternal life” twice 
  • Underline “You have given Him authority”, “He should give eternal life” 
  • Circle “this is eternal life” 
  • Draw a life from “this is eternal life” to “they may know You” and “Jesus Christ” 

Romans 6:22-23 

  • Hi-lite “everlasting life” and “eternal life” 
  • Underline “set free from sin”, “slaves of God”, “fruit to holiness” 
  • Circle “wages of sin” and draw a line to “death” 
  • Circle “gift of God” and draw a line “eternal life” 

Galatians 6:8 

  • Hi-lite “everlasting life” 
  • Circle “but” -shows a contrast 
  • Underline “sows to his flesh” and “reap corruption” – draw a line to connect 
  • Underline “sows to the Spirit” and “reap everlasting life” – draw a line to connect 

1 Timothy 6:12 

  • Hi-lite “eternal life” 
  • Circle “fight”,“lay hold”, “confessed” 

1 John 2:25 

  • Hi-lite “eternal life” 
  • Double underline “He has promised” 

1 John 5:13 

  • Hi-lite “eternal life” 
  • Underline “these things I have written” 
  • Circle “that you may know” and “that you may continue” 

Take a look at the list you have created. When you place your hope on eternal things, your faith will not be shaken.

Luann Rogers – copyright 2022