God Is Not Gray

“FOREVER O Lord, Thy word is settled in heaven.” Psalm 119:89

          God is not gray.  I think this would be a great title to a book.  The older I get the more I see that God has addressed it, whatever it may be.  I used to hear people say how as they aged they saw so many gray areas in life.  My experience has been the exact opposite. 

God has spoken on all that “pertains to life and godliness.” (2 Pet 1:3).  God is not gray.  The Apostle John said we can know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.  It’s clear.  (I John 4:6) 

Peter commanded that “If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God” (I Peter 4:11).  The oracles of God, the definite Word that He has given.  God is not gray.

We live in a world that insists there is no definite answer, no absolute truth.  They are sure nothing is sure!  They are black or white about everything being gray!  But God comes to us with certainty.  Right and wrong is clearly defined in scripture.  We do not have to wonder and meander aimlessly through life in a haze. “Forever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven” (Psalm 119:89). Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). 

He has spoken on every subject that requires a righteous answer.  Genders—there’s only two, male and female (Gen 2:18; Matt 19:4).  Abortion—it’s murder (Exo 20:13; Psa 127:3; Jer 1:5  ).  Marriage—it’s for life between a man and a woman ( Matt 19:9). Divorce—God hates it but allows it if your spouse has been unfaithful (Mal 2:16; Matt 19:9 ).  The world makes it all seem gray, as if God never spoke, as if everything were just too complicated to figure out.  All we need do is search the Word of God…for God is not gray.