
It’s So Daily

“And searched the scriptures daily…” Acts 17:11

I remember hearing an old black preacher say, “The thing about life is it’s so
daily.” Boy, isn’t that the truth!! The great writer Anton Chekhov agreed. He said, “An
idiot can face a crisis; it’s the day to day living that wears you out.” How true, how true!
The daily part of life can get us down. The divorced father can show up and
entertain his children for an hour or two, feeling he’s done his part, while the mother is
there every day, cooking their meals, making sure teeth are brushed, clothes are
cleaned, Bibles are read. It is that constant attendance to life that is so hard, yet so
The Lord knew this. The scriptures tell us how he worked, never stopping until
He had finished His mission. Day after day—“…while it is day; the night cometh when
no man can work” (John 9:4).
Have you checked your daily list lately? Meals, clothes, cleaning, homework.
Life compels us to pay attention to those. What about your daily list for your soul? We
wash our faces every day; what about cleaning out our souls? We smile and seek
entertainment. What about fellowship? We feed ourselves daily. What about
nourishing our souls with Bible study? We talk to those who matter most to us. What
about talking to God in prayer? We appreciate our friends. Are we reaching out to
them and past them to serve among others as well as teach them? We say thank you
to those in our lives we are grateful to. Have we shown God our thanks and bowed
down in awe of His goodness by worship in daily devotion and regularly in the assembly
of the saints?
Ask yourself—just how steadfast to God am I in my daily life? Decide TODAY to
be “steadfast, immoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord” (I Cor 15:58).
This decision should have been made the day you became a Christian, but some of us
may have forgotten our daily obligation and privilege. You are daily blessed by your
great God. Show your love by being steadfast DAILY.