Daily Bible study excerpts from my book: Looking for Contentment in All the Wrong Places
Sometimes, it is nice to not have decisions to make. Do you ever feel like you have choice overload, and can’t make a decision? If you’ve ever tried to pick out new carpet, or paint for the walls, talk about choices!!! Often, having to make these decisions causes stress. Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone make some decisions for you? The hard decisions of life are made for us. God has promised if we will follow Him and walk in His way, He will lead us in “paths of righteousness” (Psalm 23:3).
Psalm 37:23-24
- :23 “the steps of a good man”
- :23 “ordered by the Lord”, “He delights in his way”
- :24 “he shall not be utterly cast down”
Circle the reason word:
- :24 “for”
Put brackets around
- :24 “the Lord upholds him with His hand”
The steps of a good man brings joy (delight) to our heavenly father. What an awesome thought, to be a delight to God!
Proverbs 16:9
- Circle the contrast word “but”
- Hi-lite “a man’s heart plans”, “the Lord directs”
Although we may think we are in control, who actually is in control? It is not wrong to make plans, but those plans must be made with God in mind. What is His will in this or that situation?
James 4:13-15
Hi-lite the question, always notice the questions
- :14 “For what is your life?”
Underline the answer to the question
- :14 “vapor”, “little time”, “vanishes”
Double underline
- :14 “you do not know what will happen tomorrow”
Put brackets around
- :15 “you ought to say”
Notice the “if-then” statement and Circle
- :15 “if”
- :15 “if the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that”
Making plans is not wrong. Plans keep us focused on what we need to do. But when we keep the Lord first, keep His will in mind, we are letting Him direct our steps.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Hi-lite the verbs
- :5 “trust”
- :6 “acknowledge”
Put brackets around the “command” statement
- :5 [lean not on your own understanding]
Circle the connecting word
- :6 “and”
Draw a line showing the connection between
- :6 “acknowledge Him”, “He shall direct”
As women, we are “fixers”. We want to fix things when we see something wrong. It is the way God made us so that we might be good mothers. It makes for a nurturing attitude. But we are warned in the scriptures not to “overstep” boundaries when it comes to “fixing” others! We see a problem in someone else’s life and we want to “fix it”! My experience has been that in most cases, there is nothing I can do to fix it. I might be able to offer a shoulder to cry on, or a compassionate ear, but anything beyond that I might be considered a “busybody”. By “minding our own business” we will find the joy and peace that God wishes us to have.
- 2 Thessalonians 3:11-13
Hi-lite the descriptions of the “some” Paul is referring to:
- :11 “disorderly manner”, “not working”, “busybodies”
Put brackets aroung the command words
- :12 “command”, “exhort”
Underline the remedy for being disorderly and a busybody
- :12 “work in quietness and eat their own bread”
Circle the contrast word:
- :13 “but”
Paul gives us a “do not” command. Double underline
- :13 “do not grow weary in doing good”
When helping others, we must observe boundaries: in marital matters, family matters and in matters involving brethren. Gossiping about a situation is being a busybody. Taking sides or pitting one person against another is being a busybody. Trying to “fix” a situation can be viewed as being a busybody. We need to bear one another’s burdens (Gal. 6:2) but observe the “busybody” boundaries.
1 Peter 4:15
Circle the contrast word “but” – this refers back to verse 14, “If you are reproached for the name of Christ, blessed are you”….
Hi-lite the things we should not “suffer” for:
- “murder”, “thief”, “evildoer”, “busybody”
Being a busybody is a sin as much as being a murderer is. Take time to evaluate each situation but don’t be a busybody.
Here is a list of practical things we can do to increase our joy.
- – Sing
- – Don’t sweat the small stuff
- – Try to see things as God sees them
- – Ask, how “big” or important is this going to be 1 year from now, 10, or 50?
- – Choose your battles
- – Know there is “nothing new under the sun”
- – “This too shall pass”
- – Take one Step at a time
“Rejoice Always!”
1 Thessalonians 5:16
“Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord.”
Philippians 3:1
“Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!”
Philippians 4:4