Looking for Contentment…Day 4: Where does Joy come from?

Daily Bible study excerpts from my book: “Looking for Contentment in All the Wrong Places”

Finding Joy in Family Relationships – Children 

Genesis 33:5 

  • How does Jacob describe his children? Hi-lite “children whom God has graciously given” 

Psalm 127:3-5 

Circle the key word “Children” in verses 3 and 4 

Hi-lite Solomon’s description of children. 

  • :3 “heritage”, “reward” 
  • :4 “like arrows” 

How do children make a parent feel? Put a box around “happy” in verse 5 

Solomon likens children to ammunition in the hands of a soldier.  No good soldier goes into battle with out his “quiver full of arrows”.  He is ready for battle and feels secure.  When a man has children, it secures his heritage.     

Knowing that our children come from God, we must strive to be good stewards and lead them back to Him who gave them.  When they grow up and leave, we are sad and feel the “empty nest”.  But then come the grandchildren! (Proverbs 17:6) Thank God for them all! 

Proverbs 10:1 

Circle the contrast word “but”. Underline “wise son” and “foolish son”. Draw a line from “wise son to “glad”. Draw a line from “foolish son” to “grief”. 

What makes a “wise son”? 

Proverbs 22:6 

What is our obligation as a parent? Hi-lite “train up a child in the way he should go” 

If we have trained our children in the Lord, what does this verse promise? Underline “he will not depart from it”  

Does that mean he will never do anything wrong or even go astray and leave the church?  
The promise is that “he will not depart” from the training he has received.  As long as he lives, even if he is doing wrong, he will never depart from the knowledge and training that you instilled in him.  He will always know when he is doing wrong.  He may not always do right, but he will always know right because of the training you gave him. 
Children bring joy and happiness into our lives.  Children who grow up to be faithful to the Lord increases joy.  If our children go astray, keeping our own relationship with our Heavenly Father strong is important.  Without it, we might drown in grief. 

Find Joy in Christian Fellowship 

Romans 12:10 

How should we treat one another? Hi-lite “kindly affectionate”, “brotherly love” 

Whom should we prefer? Put brackets around “giving preference to one another” 

Philemon 1:20 

What two things did Paul find in Philemon? Hi-lite “joy from you”, “refresh my heart” 

Circle both instances of “in the Lord” 

Do you find that Christian fellowship is “refreshing”? 

Think of some ways you could “refresh a sister’s heart in the Lord”?  

Psalm 133:1 

Circle “behold”, it is a word that means pay attention! 

Hi-lite “good” and “pleasant” 

Underline “for brethren to dwell together in unity” 

Put a box around “in unity” 

3 John 1:4 

Circle “joy”, Underline “walk in truth” and draw a line connecting the two. 

We should find joy in fellowship with our brothers and sisters.  When we hear of others “walking in the truth” it should be an encouragement to us.  Christian Fellowship should not be limited to “meeting times” in the assembly.  Make time to be with Christians during the week.  Invite them to your home or go visit in theirs.  Go together and visit someone who is shut-in or in a nursing home.  Get to know one another. Find joy in the assembly of the saints.