We are all familiar with Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 5:13—”Ye are the salt of the earth.” We usually think of the influence we have, that Jesus is teaching us to bring His flavor to the world. That is so important, but in my study of salt I found that salt has several meanings in the Bible and several lessons for us.
First, let’s consider some background about salt. It was available in several areas of Palestine during the time of Jesus. But it was expensive. It was considered valuable. Sometimes Roman soldiers were even paid wages with salt.
Salt is mentioned over 40 times in the Bible. You must go back to the beginning of the Old Testament to read of it. Salt was a part of the Jews’ worship. It was put in their incense and it was sprinkled on their animal sacrifices (Lev 2:13ff).
Though I have read much about God’s covenant in the Old Testament, I was surprised when I read in Numbers 18:19 about God’s everlasting covenant of salt with His people. Even David’s kingship was called a covenant of salt (2 Chron 13:5).
So, what does God mean by using salt so much in His word?
Agent of PURPOSE
“We are the salt of the earth”—this teaching alone gives us purpose for living in this life. We must know what we are here for, and not look back like Lot’s wife in Gen 19:23-26 and Luke 17:32. Jesus declared, salt is good (Lk 14:34).
Salt is used in meats to preserve them. We preserve the teachings of Jesus, His ways and His will, as salt of the earth.
Agent of FLAVOR
Salt seasons and flavors all it’s used in. Job 6:6 says can that which is unsavory be eaten without salt? I know I love my salt on food. Salt not only provides flavor; it suppresses bitterness. Jesus brings out the best in us and we should bring out the best in others. As the salt of the earth, we should lighten the burdens of others and sweeten life when disappointments come.
Salt is used in soil and fertilizers. It helps things grow if you use the right amount. Miracle Gro has salt in it.
Salt promotes healing and removes impurities. Have you ever gone in the ocean with a cut on your foot? It will heal it! In the Old Testament Ezekiel says that salt was used on newborn babies to clean and purify them (43:23-24). Elisha put salt in a spring to purify it and to signal a fresh start, “no more death or barren land” (2 Kings 2:21). Becoming a Christian and remaining as salt of the earth, we have been purified. Even our speech is gracious, seasoned with salt (Col 4:6), full of flavor and free of corruption. Under the Old Law, offerings were made with salt, symbolic of pure sacrifice.
Salt during the Old Testament and New Testament signified a relationship. There was a saying, if you have eaten a man’s salt, he would be a friend for life! God used salt to signify our covenant or agreement with Him, a divine friendship, that was everlasting.
Many nations throughout history have used salt to destroy their enemies’ fields. Abimelech in Judges 9:45 did so in the Bible. But I thought salt preserved! If you use too much, it ruins.
Every ton of water when evaporated from the Atlantic Ocean yields 81 pounds of salt, from the Pacific 79 pounds, from the Arctic and Antarctic 85 pounds and from the Dead Sea 187 pounds! How much of the salt of Christian influence do I have in me? The presence of salt makes a difference! We should make a difference with our presence.
Let’s remember Jesus’ words one more time, “Ye are the salt of the earth; but if the salt have lost his savor wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and be trodden under foot of men” (Matthew 5:13). Brother Wendell Winkler explained this verse this way:
A Description to Appreciate—ye are the salt of the earth
A Danger to Avoid—but if the salt have lost his savor wherewith shall it be salted?
A Danger to Abhor—it is thenceforth good for nothing but to be trodden under foot of men.
God help us to be salt, never losing our value, using our lives to honor God and not sand, cast aside to be trodden under foot by the world.