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Simply Blessed

Welcome to a Daily Bible Study of the blessings found in the books of Romans and Hebrews. This is a bible marking study. I suggest you use Dri-liter brand highlighters for highlighting and archival pens for writing and underlining (they don’t bleed through the page). Use a pretty notebook to write your notes. May you find blessing in this study!


What is a Blessing?  The simple definition is “a benefit”.

List some of the benefits one may have in the work place.

List people who benefit (bless) your life.

What are you blessed with?

Ephesians 1:3

  • Hi-lite the words “blessed” and “blessing”.
  • Circle the word “us”.
  • Underline “God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ”, “spiritual”, “Heavenly places”.

List the blessings “benefits” do we have in Christ?

There are two Greek words translated blessed or blessing.

  1. Eulogeo – has to do with thankfulness, invoking benediction – Matthew 26:26 He “blessed” the bread. Also has to do with “pronouncing blessing on someone – Matthew 21:9 – “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord” – speaking of Jesus at the triumphal entry
  2. Makarios – “Blessed” as in the beatitudes of Jesus (Matthew 5).  The meaning comes from two words meaning “fine speaking” – happy, favored, fortunate.

Hebrews 6:7

  • Circle “the earth”
  • Underline “receives blessing from God” , “drinks in the rain” and “bears herbs”.

The author is talking about the need for maturity in Christ – the “earth” that takes in God’s blessing of rain and becomes mature and useful is blessed (benefited) by God.