1. New Bible Study! Change Your Mind
  2. THE MIND OF THE LORD (Part 2)
  6. THE DOUBLE-MIND (Part 1)
  7. THE DOUBLE-MIND (Part 2)

Paul writes much about the carnal and the carnal mind.  The greek word translated carnal is sarx which is usually translated flesh or carnal.  Defined by Thayer it “denotes mere human nature, the earthly nature of man apart from divine influence, and therefore prone to sin and opposed to God.”  Paul usually contrasts the carnal with the spiritual.  We need to protect our minds from thinking carnally (worldly).

How does a carnal mind think?  What are our priorities when we have a worldly mindset?  When we have a spiritual mindset?

The mere fact of life and death shows this mindset to some degree.  When a Christian dies we mourn (and rightly so), but so does the world.  A spiritual mindset will know and understand that it is far better for our loved one to go, receive their crown and be with the Lord, than it is to stay in this dark world.  It’s all about perspective.

Let’s look at some of the passages that talk about the Carnal mind.  The bible writers used different greek words which are translated “mind”.  The definitions are similar but have subtle differences which make the scripture more “colorful”, more clearly understood.

The Carnal Mind is a Worldly Mind

1 Corinthians 3:1-4

The older versions, KJV, ASV, NKJ translate the greek word sarx  in this passage as “carnal” but most of the newer versions (ESV, NASV, RSV) translate it “flesh or fleshly”.   This is a more accurate translation of this word.

Substitute the word “worldly” for the word carnal and see how it reads! (NKJV)

Write the word “worldly” in the blanks.

1.And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to _________________, as to babes in Christ. 2 I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able;3 for you are still _________________. For where there are envy, strife, and divisions among you, are you not __________________ and behaving like mere men? 4 For when one says, “I am of Paul,” and another, “I am of Apollos,” are you not ______________________?

When you consider verse 1, what kind of mind do the “babes” have?_____________

How do “babes” in Christ become spiritually minded?_________________________


There is a list in verse 3 of three things.  What is the list and what do these words describe?


2. ___________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________

So what is a carnal (or worldly) mind?_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

What would a carnal mind be focused on?___________________________________

What would it’s priorities be?_____________________________________________

What is God’s view of a carnal mind?  The scriptures tell us!

The Carnal Mind is self-centered

Romans 8:5-7

The greek word for mind in Romans 8:5 is phroneo and means to direct one’s mind to a thing (Thayer’s

G5426 #3).  We might say to focus on something.

Paul says that those who live according to the flesh focus on what?_______________

What do those living according to the Spirit focus on?_________________________

Philippians 3:19

Paul lists 3 things about those who have an earthly (worldly) focus:

Their end is _______________________________________________

Their god is _______________________________________________

Their glory is ______________________________________________

So, for those who are spiritually minded (the opposite of a worldly mind) what would:

Their end be?  ___________________

Their god be?___________________

Their glory be?___________________

The Carnal Mind is Deadly

Romans 8:6-7

Paul uses a different greek word here.  The word is phronema and means “what one has in mind, thoughts and purposes”. (Thayer G5427)

What is the contrast in verse 6?___________________________________________

What comes to the person who has carnal (worldly) thoughts and purposes?_______

What comes to the person who has spiritual thoughts and purposes?_____________

According to verse 7 what relation does the “carnal mind” have with God?_________


What is the reason Paul gives for the carnal (worldly) mind being “death” (hint:  consider the words “because” and “for”). ___________________________________


The Carnal Mind is Confused

Another greek word translated “mind” is nooce from the base word ginosko which means to know.  Nooce has the idea of perceiving, understanding, determining.  This word is translated “understanding” in 1 Corinthians 14:15 where Paul says I will pray and sing with the spirit and with the understanding.  Some translations translate that word as “mind”, but it gives you the idea of the meaning of this particular greek word.

Romans 7:23-25

Paul contrasts the carnal (fleshly) mind with the spiritual mind.

Paul discusses the law of sin versus the law of God and how His mind is affected by each.

In verse 23, what does Paul say is “warring” against the law of his mind (his understanding).________________________________________________________


He says he sees “another law” in his members (body), the law of sin.  This “law” is served with the flesh, the natural, sinful self and takes captive those who are not spiritual in mind.

In verse 25, what does Paul serve the “law of God” with?_______________________

What does Paul serve the “law of sin” with?_________________________________

What is it that we need to control, to affect our behavior and actions from being sinful?________________________________________________________________

What is contrasted in verse 25?___________________________________________

Matthew 26:51

How does Jesus describe this dilemma?_____________________________________

The Carnal Mind is Puffed Up, Arrogant

Colossians 2:18

Paul uses this greek word (nooce-understanding,perceiving) when talking about the arrogance of one who tries to appear spiritual.

This person takes delight in what 2 things?__________________________________

What does it mean to be “vainly puffed up”?_________________________________

If one’s understanding (nooce) were spiritual, he would take delight in true humility and the worship of God.

The Carnal Mind is Impure (Defiled)

Titus 1:15-16

Paul is giving Elders the direction to “convict the gainsayers” and describes these gainsayers as defiled and unbelieving.  Their mind (nooce-understanding) and conscience are even defiled.

The word “defiled” means to contaminate or corrupt something.  When oil gets into water, water becomes contaminated “defiled.”

According to Paul in this passage, when one is defiled and unbelieving, what is also affected?_____________________________________________________________


They “profess to know God, but by their works they deny him”.

Matthew 15:8

What did Jesus say?_____________________________________________________

Saying and doing are two different things.  How do we “show” our faith? (James 2:18)_________________________________________________________________

What are some “works” of the defiled that would deny God?____________________

What 3 things does Paul tell Titus these impure minded individuals are?___________


The Carnal Mind is Spiteful

The definition of spite is a desire to hurt, annoy or offend someone.God said that Edom and the other countries who plundered Israel got “joy” out of Israel’s suffering. 

What should be our reaction to the “suffering” of those who hate and despise us?__

Ezekiel 36:5

The “nations” and especially Edom had given God’s land to themselves as a possession.  With what attitude was this done?_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

The Hebrew word translated “mind” in the NKJV is Nephresh means a breathing creature and can be translated spirit.  Ezekiel describes someone who had a spiteful spirit.

_ Ezekiel 25:1-7 describes the outward reaction to a spiteful heart.  What 3 reactions are described here?




God said because of this “I will destroy you, and you shall know what?____________

Proverbs 17:5

What happens to one who is “glad at calamity?”_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

The Carnal Mind has thoughts of fulfilling the desires of the flesh.

In the following two scriptures, the word mind is translated from the Greek word dianoia and means deep thought of way of thinking.

Ephesians 2:3

Paul is talking about those who were once “dead in trespasses and sin” (verse 1).

How did these conduct themselves?________________________________________

They were fulfilling the desires of the flesh and the ___________________________

Colossians 1:21-22

What caused the Colossians to be alienated and enemies of God?________________

Their thoughts, what was in their minds, caused them to do these wicked works.

Romans 1:21-22

What 3 things describe the wicked ones?____________________________________



What happened to their thoughts because of this?____________________________

They professed to be wise but became______________________________________

So we see that the Carnal (Worldly) mind is:




Puffed Up, Arrogant

Impure – Defiled


Thinks of fulfilling the desires of the flesh

Let us be careful that we don’t have a carnal mind.  God wants our thoughts and desires to be for Him and the things of His kingdom.