More phrases we commonly use regarding the mind: What is on your mind?, I have the presence of mind to…, If you’ve a mind to do it, mind over matter.
These are all phrases that speak to a purposeful mind, one that is determined to accomplish something, mindfulness. In this lesson we will look at 3 characteristics of a godly mind: renewed, convinced and determined.
Romans 12:1-2
Underline the phrase “I beseech you” and “by the mercies of God”
What 3 things are we to “present our bodies” as?_____________________________
Paul said that this was a reasonable service.
To renew my mind I must…
:1 be a living sacrifice (submit) (1 Peter 2:5; Heb 13:16)
Be holy (1 Peter 1:15-16)
Be acceptable (Psalm 19:14)
:2 be transformed – How Paul? By the renewing of my mind.
Why? (circle “that”, a reason word) That you may prove the will of God is good, acceptable, perfect. Showing others these traits of the will of God.
Circle “but.” What is being contrasted here?_________________________________
The Greek word translated “conformed” means to fashion (conform) oneself to another’s pattern. Websters defines it as “to act in accordance with prevailing standards or customs.”
The greek word translated “transformed” is metamorphose (like a butterfly, from one form into completely different one). So Paul says we are not to fashion ourselves after the world and its value but metamorphose, change into something that is not worldly. We do this by renewing our mind. The only way to be different from the world is to renew our minds.
Ephesians 4:22-24
What are we to put off?_________________________________________________
What are we to put on?__________________________________________________
What are the characteristics of this new man?________________________________
What is to be renewed?_________________________________________________
2 Corinthians 4:16
What is perishing?______________________________________________________
What is being renewed day by day?________________________________________
Think of this verse when you get discouraged by the aging process. Our outward self IS perishing but our inward person can grow and flourish with study of the word of God!
Colossians 3:9-11
How is the new man renewed in verse 10?__________________________________
According to what?_____________________________________________________
How can knowledge of Him renew us?______________________________________
Psalm 51:10
What 2 things did David ask of God in this verse?_____________________________
Heart – speaks to the mortal side of David, the spirit speaks to the spiritual side. He wants to be clean in mind and body.
We could pray this prayer daily!
Isaiah 40:31
Whose strength will be renewed?__________________________________________
What does it mean to “wait on the Lord?”___________________________________ Let us determine to have a godly mind by renewing our mind in strength, a steadfast spirit, in knowledge, in growing and maturing our spiritual selves, and by transforming ourselves into the likeness of Christ.
The next lesson will look at the Godly mind: Convinced.