1. New Bible Study! Change Your Mind
  2. THE MIND OF THE LORD (Part 2)
  6. THE DOUBLE-MIND (Part 1)
  7. THE DOUBLE-MIND (Part 2)


To be convinced of something is to be “persuaded in mind, satisfied with evidence, convicted.”[i]

Webster’s Dictionary says “to be completely certain about something.”

To have a Godly Mind we must be convinced and convicted of the truth. 

Romans 14:5

“Let each be fully convinced in his own mind.”  Do those things that your conscience allows, but if it bothers your conscience then don’t do it.  This whole chapter speaks to personal liberty and judging one another on these things that are “optional”, or benign to a Christian.  One opinion is as good as another if it does not violate scripture. God cares not whether we celebrate certain holidays and birthdays or not.

Being convinced of something has to do with our conscience.  Our conscience is that “inner voice” who is our moral judge.  By it we feel innocence or guilt.  It can convict us and convince us.  It is given to us to guide us in the right way.  But it cannot properly guide us, convince us, if we don’t train and discipline it.  When one ignores their conscience, they can become hardened or even dead to the word of God and its principles (1 Timothy 4:2).

How important is it to train our conscience?

  1. Because God knows what is in our conscience, what we are convinced of.                                                                                                                              

1 John 3:19-21

Circle “let us not” – command words

What is the contrast in verse 18? (Circle “but”)_________________________


Underline “by this we know”.  What is “this” referring to?________________

What do we know in verse 19?_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

And Who do we want to assure (convince) our hearts before?_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

He gives the reason for assurance in verse 20-21.

Circle “for” – a reason word

In verse 20, Circle “if” – what is the “if-then” statement?_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________


HI-lite “God is greater” and “knows all things.”

“If our conscience condemns us” means if we hold ourselves guilty for something that God has or will forgive us for, we must forgive ourselves for those things repented of.

In verse 21, Circle “if” – what is the “if-then” statement?_________________


Double underline “we have confidence toward God” and put an exclamation point over it!

Psalm 139:1-4

List the things that God knows from these verses:

Verse 1:________________________________________________________

Verse 2:________________________________________________________

Verse 3:________________________________________________________

Verse 4:________________________________________________________

God knows our conscience and convictions.

Hebrews 4:13

Who is hidden from God’s sight?____________________________________

What is “naked and open” to God?___________________________________

To whom are we accountable?______________________________________

We are accountable for our actions and those things of which we are convinced.

1 Corinthians 4:5

What 2 things will the Lord bring to light?_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

What are the “counsels of the heart?”________________________________

  • 2. Because we can cause a brother to stumble if we are not careful.

Romans 14:14

This chapter is Paul’s teaching on judging others and causing them to stumble.  Christian liberty is a wonderful thing, but it can be abused.

What is Paul convinced of?_________________________________________

Are all people convinced of this?____________________________________

Romans 14:22-23

“Do you have faith? Have it to yourself before God.”  In context, this means that you should not “press” your liberty on another brother.  You may in good conscience do something, but if it condemns your brothers conscience, don’t press the matter or be arrogant in your conviction.  Of course this is regarding opinions, not doctrine.

What can having a good conscience make us?__________________________

If we have doubts about something, is what should we do?________________

1 Corinthians 8

This chapter talks about eating food offered to idols.  Paul says that whether to eat it or not is a matter of judgement, opinion.  He says we know that an idol is nothing and the food offered to it is nothing.  But, there may be those who have come out of idolatry and are bothered by eating of it.  They could not in good conscience eat of it.

Verse 7:  What does Paul say is not in everyone?________________________

What is weak in them?____________________________________________

Verse 8: What caution is given?_____________________________________

1 Corinthians 10:25-29

In this context Paul is saying, “what you don’t know, won’t hurt you (or your conscience).”

What should not be judged by another man’s conscience?________________


How do we train our conscience?

            Hebrews 9:14

            What are we to do to our conscience?________________________________

            What are we to cleanse it of?_______________________________________

Hebrews 10:22

The context for this verse is Christ as our High Priest, allowing us into the Holy of Holies.

The imagery of “hearts sprinkled” is that of the priest sprinkling the blood of the

sacrifices.  Christ’s blood can cleanse our conscience.

Christ’s blood cleanses us from an __________________ conscience.

1 Peter 3:15-16

What 3 things must we do so that we won’t be ashamed when we are reviled or persecuted?

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________



1 Timothy 1:5

The context is dealing with false teachers.  Paul tells Timothy that the purpose of this command is what?___________________________________

This love comes from what?

A pure_________________________________________________________

A good_________________________________________________________


1 Timothy 1:18-19

Our convictions will always be tried and tested by the devil and his angels.  Paul tells Timothy to “wage the good warfare” with what two things?


2 Timothy 1:3

How did Paul serve God?___________________________________________

Is your conscience pure?___________________________________________

Acts 24:16

What did Paul strive to have?_______________________________________

Romans 13:4-5

We should have a good conscience toward the rulers of the land.  Cheating on our taxes or ignoring the speed limit will not give us a good conscience, we will know what we are doing is wrong, and it should convict our conscience.

1 Peter 2:19

What can sometimes happen if we stick to our convictions?_______________



Titus 1:15

What is defiled about those who are defiled and unbelieving?_____________



Genesis 3:7-8 Adam and Eve had a guilty conscience which made them cover their nakedness.

2 Samuel 24:10 David had a guilty conscience – his heart condemned him.

Job 27:6  Job had a good conscience.
“My righteousness I hold fast and will not let it go;
My heart shall not reproach me as long as I live.”
Let’s be like Job!

[i] Entry for ‘Convinced’. King James Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​kjd/​c/convinced.html.