1. New Bible Study! Change Your Mind
  2. THE MIND OF THE LORD (Part 2)
  6. THE DOUBLE-MIND (Part 1)
  7. THE DOUBLE-MIND (Part 2)

Having “peace of mind”, “put one’s mind at ease”, “put one’s mind at rest” are all phrases we use when someone has a troubled mind.  A troubled mind can be a doubting mind.  It is not at rest and is constantly questioning all that is in it’s world.  A Christian is not to live like this.

Troubles will come, but when we dwell on them and let them cause us to doubt the goodness of God, we have let them win and have given in to the fear.

Troubled minds in the scripture:

Isaac and Rebekah over a son’s decision

Genesis 26:35

What was Isaac and Rebekah’s reaction to their son Esau marrying Hittite women?

The Hebrew for “grief of mind” is bitterness of spirit.

Many of us have grieved over a child’s choices.  We train them to make good decisions, but sometimes the world is too enticing and Satan is too convincing.

Daniel concerning the vision of the church.

Daniel 7:28

What was Daniel’s reaction after seeing the vision of the four beasts, which are four kings (Dan. 7:17) and then hearing it’s interpretation?

My thoughts___________________________________________________________

My Countenance (facial expression)________________________________________

I kept the matter_______________________________________________________

Daniel was greatly troubled over the fact that his people would have to go through tribulation and evil kingdoms before the church would come, the everlasting kingdom given to the saints.  Today, are we not challenged by the denominations and false doctrines?  Do we ever grieve over this fact?

Asaph over the wicked seeming to prosper

Psalm 73:21

In the first part of this Psalm, Asaph talks about the wicked people around him seeming to prosper and not bear any consequences of their wickedness. 

What did this produce in Asaph?

My heart was__________________________________________________________

I was ________________________________________________________________

The Hebrew word for “vexed” means pierced or pricked.  It bothered his mind.

If you are like me, you feel “vexed” sometimes by the seeming prosperity and comfort of the worldly people around us.  Then we have to stop and realize that they make no sacrifices for the Lord.  We sacrifice our time, money, energy and devotion for the Lord.  They receive their “reward” here on this earth. Our reward awaits us in eternity!

The Thessalonian Christians regarding the coming again of Jesus.

2 Thessalonians 2:2

Paul was reassuring them that Christ had not yet come.  They evidently were troubled about what they had heard.

Paul tells them not to be ________________________________________________ .

Today, we should not be troubled by reports of the “signs of the end times”.  Jesus plainly told us that there would be NO signs of His coming again (Matt. 24:36; Mark 13:32).  Jesus taught us to be ready and watchful for His coming.  If we do this then we have no reason to be troubled.

Ahaz the King in the House of David hears of an imminent attack.

Isaiah 7:1-4

What does it mean that “his heart and the heart of his people were moved as the trees of the woods are moved with the wind”?_______________________________

What does God tell Isaiah to tell Ahaz?


What do we do when we hear of an imminent storm coming our way?  Are we anxious and troubled?  Or do we take action, prepare and hunker down praying and trusting in God?


Isaiah 26:3

What two things are required to have “perfect peace”?



Consider Job.  Do you think he had a troubled mind?  Was he anxious about his situation?  He did not know that Satan had approached God to torture him.  He did not know that God was confident in Job’s faith.  Sometimes, in the midst of trouble, we become anxious and troubled.  Our faith is tested because we can’t see the trouble ending.  But God has the whole picture, He knows when and how the trouble will end.  Trust Him and you won’t be anxious.

Job 19:2

Job is speaking to his friends here.

What two descriptions show that Job had a troubled mind?_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

Job 16:20

Luke 12:22-31

Jesus talks to His disciples about having an anxious mind, worrying about things the Father provides and things they cannot change.

What are the “do not” statements in this passage?

(vs. 22)_______________________________________________________________

(vs. 29)_______________________________________________________________

Verse 26 is an “if-then” statement.

“If you then are not able_________________________________________________

“Why are you________________________________________________________ ?”

What does the Father know in verse 30?____________________________________

What is His conclusion in verse 31?________________________________________


Jesus again calms the disciples fears.

John 14:1-4

Jesus is telling them He is going to leave, and He says He is going to prepare a place for them and will come again.

How should this calm their fears of being left alone?___________________________

When we have to leave our children with relatives or friends, we usually calm their fears by promising them that we will be back to get them.

John 14:27

What does Jesus promise to leave with them?________________________________

Isn’t that what we need to calm our anxious minds?  Look to Jesus for peace of mind.

John 16:33

Jesus says that in Him we have peace. 

What do we have in the world?___________________________________________

He then consoles us with “I have overcome the world.”

Philippians 4:6-7

In Paul’s exhortation to the brethren at Philippi, what does he tell them in verse 6?____________________________________________________________________

He gives them the remedy for that anxious mind: prayer, supplication and thanksgiving.

What will they then receive by praying (vs. 7)?_______________________________

2 Kings 19:14-15

King Hezekiah prayed when He received a disturbing letter from an enemy king, he “spread it before the Lord” – in other words, He was asking the Lord for His guidance.

“He (Hezekiah) did not send a hasty answer. Many a quarrel might have been prevented if men would spread disagreeable letters before the Lord. Many a family feud would never have been brought about but for the want of this. If you get letters that give you pain, before you pen a reply send a message to God, and He will teach you to indite what may turn away wrath. He did not send to Egypt; he was cured of that now. If someone who reads this is in trouble, let me counsel you to remember what is a command as well as a promise, “Call upon Me in the day of trouble.” Far too many of us treat God as though He had no existence.” (Albert Barnes Commentary-ESword)

When you are troubled or anxious, think of Jesus and what He endured (for you!).

Hebrews 12:3

The writer (Holy Spirit) tells us to now become ___________ and________


Psalms 27:1

The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid?

Psalms 56:3

Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You.

Psalms 56:11

In God I have put my trust; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?

Psalms 56:11

In God I have put my trust; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?

Isaiah 12:2

Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; ‘For Yah, the Lord, is my strength and song; He also has become my salvation.’ “

Isaiah 41:10

Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’

Nahum 1:7

The LORD is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble; And He knows those who trust in Him.