Think about your feelings toward your children? Do you love and care for them? How do you think your Father in Heaven feels toward you? The phrase “Your Father” appears 34 x in the NT Jesus tells us about our Father Matthew 6:6-9 – We are to pray to our Father (talk…
Day 23: The Blessing of REST (2b of 2)
Exodus 20:10-11 -God recognizes the need for rest. The Hebrew word for Sabbath here is shabbâth and it means intermission from a greek root word meaning to repose or desist from exertion. It is a word for 7 because the Sabbath was on the 7th day of the week, Saturday for us. The Lord blessed…
Day 22: The Blessing of REST (2a of 2)
How do you find rest? What does Hebrews say about Rest? Psalm 95:7-11 HEBREWS 3:7-4:11 Paul is quoting and commenting on Psalm 95:7-11. KEY WORD – REST 3:11 “They (Israel) shall not enter my rest” (gr: abode, resting place) 3:18 “They would not enter His rest” (gr: abode, resting place) 4:1 promise…
Day 21: The Blessing of REST (1 of 2)
WHAT MAKES YOU WEARY? Here are some causes of weariness.[1] Wounded affections, attacks on our character and self, Conflict Matthew 11:28-30 “defeated and soiled with the dust of conflict”[2] Yoke in the greek is a metaphor for the “burden” of the law. “1b) metaphorically, used of any burden or bondage 1b2) of troublesome laws imposed…
Day 20: The Blessing of CHRIST, OUR HIGH PRIEST
Jesus is…. Savior, Lord, Redeemer, Lamb, Shepherd, King, God, Friend, Mediator, Light, Rock, Teacher, Bread of life, The Vine. We need someone to go to God for us (a mediator). We can know during our everyday life that He has our back. What did the High Priest do? Entered the most Holy of Holies…
Day 19: The Blessing of HOPE (2 of 2)
Besides comforting us, what do we do with this hope? Do we keep it to ourselves? 1 Peter 3:13 – We are to tell others about our hope! Hebrews 10:23 -Confession of our Hope We need to confess (or profess) this hope to others constantly and without doubting. In What or in Whom do we…
Day 18: The Blessing of HOPE (1 of 2)
Romans 15:13 We have a God of Hope who fills us with joy and peace in believing! What do you hope for? “I hope it rains”, “I hope I get the job promotion”, “I hope my children behave today.” Webster defines this kind of hope as “a desire for a certain thing to happen.”…
Day 17: The Blessing of RELATIONSHIP (3 of 3).
COMMITMENT (The blessing of Faithfulness) What is commitment? It says, I’m going to be here no matter what happens; for better or for worse. In wedding vows, we say “Forsaking all others.” With our brethren we should be committed to the assembly of ourselves together. Hebrews 10:24-25 (previously marked this verse). Hebrews 13:5 God keeps…
Day 16: The Blessing of RELATIONSHIP (2 of 3).
THE BLESSING OF PRAYER (We talk to God) Romans 12:12 – praying continually. Romans 8:26 – We have help with our prayers! The Greek word for “groanings” is a deep sigh. To help in understanding of the phrase “with groanings which cannot be uttered” consider these two other versions: Prayer is a command! Matthew 7:7…
Day 15: The Blessing of RELATIONSHIP (1 of 3).
What is a relationship? When you first met your husband or good friend, did you love them? Did you love them as deeply as you do now? What happened? In our human relationships, the relationship can be broken by either party. You may not have control over what happens. Do you have…